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Wollondilly Shire

Lynette Styles

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Card 1989 ID Theft by Filler Face Rape10

Wollondilly Shire

Macarthur Credit Union


Its basic criminal fraud and theft, what Macarthur (Mutual) Credit Union did to me in concert with my common law defacto partner Owen Hall two days before I gave birth to our second child in 1991, Owen's only two children.

Considering the obvious intent was to wipe me from government record after my face was swapped with LYNETTE STYLES face as a face child murder victim, then there is absolutely no reason for me to suspect that LYNETTE STYLES did NOT have a part in this fraud, along with select members of the Freemasons and their political party associates in this series of crimes our current Governments have since decided they wanted "in" on.

There was supposed to be a loan started in October 1991 and it was supposed to be in my name, not Owen's. It wasn't until almost ten years later that I discovered there never was a loan in my name and the loan they gave Owen was granted two months before I agreed to swap my Guild-Pioneer loan to the Macarthur Credit Union. Two months before I'd signed anything. Owen asked me to marry him but "changed his mind" soon after I was being illegally drugged and surgically raped.

Owen decided not to marry me as the only woman who had his children, but he did marry Robyn Marie Noonan who was 14 years older than him and allegedly met her after we'd separated when she was a bar maid at the Campbelltown Catholic Club and he went there to get drunk something he never did when we were together. Robyn NOONAN had asked him out as she was serving drinks as a bar maid. Sound normal to you? Doesn't to me. Through her day position as office manager at the (State government's) Campbelltown Legal Centre, Robyn NOONAN was the long-term best friend with Faye DANIELS who was office manager equivalent in the Campbelltown District Court where I was subjected to multiple illegal decisions involving Freemasons as magistrates in the local court. I grew up in Campbelltown NSW from 1962 when I was 6. So my longevity there meant absolutely nothing. I was effectively outlawed and denied my statutory rights. Robyn NOONAN wrote a letter to the teacher of my youngest child, expressly to defame the child, myself and my other children. As Robyn NOONAN met Owen after we separated everything she knows about me is from hearsay or Owen's version of the events. Don't feel sorry for Owen & Robyn, they are knowingly a part of this government fraud.

I lived with Owen in my Torrens Title from 1985 to 1995. After I left him I discovered that the criminal theft of my property in 1999, (8 years after the event) and was forced to pay Owen's debts in my bankruptcy despite that we were never married. The Credit Union still went on to give Owen a loan or loans against the value of my property after we'd separated and they knew we had separated.


I got nothing from the 10 year relationship after seperation as the Federal Family Court refused my application for settlement. Owen stole literally everything from me, including all my personal effects, everything my husband made or gave me, everything my parents gave me and even my childhood keepsakes and primary school reports.

I discovered in 2015 that Owen had allegedly died of cancer in 2010. His then legal wife declined to inform Owen's only children that he had died. She had worked for the State's Campbelltown Legal Centre as the office manager.


I asked him to move out after a series of assaults on my involving Owen secretly drugging me with the date rape drug rohypnol (prescribed to him by Mohamed R Ahmed the GP involved in my surgical rape) and trying to smother me with a pillow. When Owen refused to move out of my Torrens Title, he changed the locks to prevent me from getting in and local police claimed that the forged lawyers letter was enough for them to agree that Owen owned my property.


Effectively they all decided I wasn't allowed to own property. This was two tears after the Governments had stolen my ID as the face of that murder victim. They had started their systematic process of wiping me from Australian records, just as members of parliament and his uncles/cousins did to my great grandfather, George Arthur FRANCIS, before his birth family relocated to San Francisco USA in 1800s. George Francis' father Grosvenor FRANCIS is related to the same, Grosvenor family and Francis family and Suttor family who have been elected into Australian parliaments in 1800s and 1900s. George Francis' mother Elizabeth Harrison MacKean was from a well-to-do family in London. From what I can gather, I'm distant cousin to the Grosvenor family who subdivided west London for residential housing back then. I have no knowledge of why they wiped out records of my great grandfather. Last record I found was a news item about arson at his residence in Cowra NSW.

I purchased my Torrens Title property at 39 William Street The Oaks NSW, in 1985 through the alleged Guild-Pioneer lending institution in a small upper floor premises in Elizabeth Street Sydney, opposite where the Police Credit Union used to be or still is.

I met Owen Hall in August 1985 soon after I'd been notified by the Guild-Pioneer group that my name reached the top of the list they said, to be eligible for the NSW State First Home Owners Scheme, loan. I had applied to the State for the loan scheme as was required per advertisements under the old scheme. Not having any way to check information in 1980s it was easy to defraud people. Thank goodness for the Internet.

I note that Owen is photographed next to me as a BANDIDO president after alleged 1984 suicide in prison as stated in the 1989 Allen & Hyman book published to support the Freemasons. Owen is also depected as a COMANCHERO in 1985  in the double page photo at an alleged grave, along with at least one of my next door neighbours from William Street The Oaks NSW. Clearly this was a book intended to pervert the course of justice.

So two days before I gave birth Macarthur Credit Union signed a loan to my defacto, they called the loan a “First Home Owner” mortgage. The loan document said the mortgage was on 30 William Street The Oaks NSW, my real estate. The put a caveat on my property without my consent or knowledge. No one has ever owned my power of attorney.

I do point out that in 1984 the government changed laws so women were allowed to operate their own bank accounts for the first time in Australian history. Macarthur Credit Union were obviously working on the viod legislation at first glance. However after I got a hold of the documents in about 1999, I saw that there was obvious fraud on the part of the Macarthur Credit Union.


Anyone who has purchased real estate knows the loan must note the Land Title Office designated identifiers of that property. In this instance the “deposited plan” or “DP” number and associated location. In my instance my council allocated address, “39 William Street The Oaks” was listed at the NSW Land Titles Office as “LOT 33 IN DEPOSITED PLAN 22265 AT THE OAKS, SHIRE OF WOLLONDILLY, PARISH OF WEROMBI, COUNTY OF CAMDEN” the title owner was listed as “Janette Gail Francis” myself obviously.


Macarthur Credit Union insist to this day they had legally given Owen the loan of my Torren Title, because he produced a letter allegedly on the letterhead of the Macarthur Credit Union's lawyers that claimed Owen Hall owned the property known as “39 WILLIAM STREET THE OAKS”


This is what they wrote:


"SOLICITOR'S CERTIFICATE AS TO TITLE AND REQUEST FOR SETTLEMENT RE: OWEN HALL, SECURITY ADDRESS: 39 WILLIAM STREET THE OAKS, CREDIT UNION NO: 32571-CAMDEN. We certify that we have investigated the borrower's title to the property referred to in the application for loan. The documents relating thereto are in order and will constitute a legal first mortgage in favour of the Credit Union."


The letter went on to infer the Credit Union had obtained the loan balance from the "Gould Pioneer Co-op Housing Society" at "$52,280.08" That loan was in my birth certificate name only, but was inferred as a loan to Owen Hall by the absence of my name on the letter.


I'd not consented to Macarthur Credit Union's access to my loan data. I had not consent to Owen having a “first mortgage” on my property. When he moved into my property in 1985, he was an apprentice electrician. I was earning more than he was and he was not contributing to my mortgage loan.

Being unable to get access to legal assistance, I figured if I declared bankruptcy, then Owen would be left with his loan and I would get the house back as it had been effectively paid for when they paid out my loan to the Guild-Pioneer. However the Federal ITSA (intentionally selected to handle my bankruptcy because they are federal government owned) gave my real estate to Owen for a small fraction of its value. Another criminal fraud.


In 2000 our Federal Government sold my real estate to Owen Hall for $20,000, it had been valued at about $200,000 the State of NSW refused me access to my right to claim compensation for the theft of my Torrens Title by refusing me access to legal advice and lawyers to sue. This became the blueprint for every illegal assault on me since 1991 that also just happened to involve Government Public Officers from (NSW or SA) State or the Federal government.

MMCU 1991 Conspiracy Serious Criminal Fr
MMCU 1991 Conspiracy Serious Criminal Fr
MMCU 1991 Conspiracy Serious Criminal Fr
Card 1990s Family Album 1997 and 1999 Ro
At right: Criminal defamer Robyn NOONAN. Everything government public officer Robyn NOONAN wrote in her handwritten letter linked is provable bullshit.
Owen had never applied for "custody" it was only visitation, he told the children to their face he never wanted them and never wanted to see them again. Owen used his children as porns to hurt me, to distract me with the court process, in fear that I'd discover what crimes he'd enabled by drugging me in concert with other government public officers. Owen withdrew from his Family Court suits after I went to police with the book in 2001. Robyn NOONAN became a party to these crimes after the fact.
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z Rat Fucking Rat in Trap B.jpg

Above Left: Audio previously uploaded as  entitled

"Address to Wollondilly Shire Council Executive 19 August 2013" by Jenny (Janette) I was "Arrested under Mental Health Act" because the Government in South Australia was afraid I'd sue them and others associated with this 1984 crime.

Above Right: Its common knowledge that when someone has no valid argument they start ‘name calling’ you see examples of that on Facebook every day. When someone is paid by a political party to carry a lie about someone & the someone is squeaky clean, all that’s left to do is ‘name calling’. That’s why they cal Janette delusional etcetera.

Naturally there's always more, the evidence indicates Ms Styles / Slowman / Walters is also DNA related to the two A&U BIA authors Ms Simpson & Ms Harvey.      BEEP BEEP.

Wollondilly's network of brazen chronic political lies are unlawfully supported by prominent Australians, year after year.

first published 16 January 2021

z Rat Fucking Rat in Trap D.jpg
1980s BIA Visy Leanne Elaine-Lynette A C
1980s BIA Visy Leanne Elaine-Lynette B C
1980s BIA Visy Leanne Janette B CROP .pn

NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller backs Australian political cause terrorism.

PC Fuller CROP.jpg

Police Regulation 2015 (NSW)

Section 7 Oath or affirmation of office for police

(1) The form of the oath required to be taken by a police officer under section 13 of the Act is as follows—

I,, do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen as a police officer without favour or affection, malice or ill-will until I am legally discharged, that I will cause Her Majesty’s peace to be kept and preserved, and that I will prevent to the best of my power all offences against that peace, and that while I continue to be a police officer I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all my duties faithfully according to law. So help me God.

1980s BIA Visy Leanne Janette A CROP .pn

Left insert: FIRST PHOTO LEANNE WALTERS in 1984 Lynette Styles from Wollondilly Shire NSW since 1984, seen here in her 2013 election photo under the One Nation Party banner. Also 40+ Mrs Elaine Slowman Visyboard 1981.

All the facts are rarely if ever “brief”. Using her identity as "Lynette Styles" she (vanity) self published a paperback she titled "Kangaroo Court" (KC) (see this LINK pages 21 to 43 inclusive) inferring Janette and others had subjected her to injustices when in fact the book itself is the weapon she uses illegally to defame Janette to further her endeavours of substituting Janette as the "fake murder victim Leanne Walters" Lynette (as Elaine Sloman) choose to be in September 1984.

Interesting fact is when the Sydney NSW AUSTRALIA (AU) 1989 book “ Brothers In Arms Inside Story of Two Bikie Gangs” (BIA) first published Janette's face (insert right) as substitute for the 1984 Sydney major newspaper published face (insert left) of the much older female then known as “Elaine Slowman” a Douglas Ernest SLOWMAN a British citizen of 10 Kelvin View, Torrance, Glasgow, G64 4HQ Scotland UK, was appointed to the role of Secretary of (UK) GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN (PUBLISHERS) LIMITED (00137338) and (UK) UNWIN HYMAN LIMITED (02034197) in both instances on about 30 May 1992 and resigned in both instances on 1 October 1999. You aren't appointed to such a position without an existing relationship of any sort. Perhaps a family or Masonic relation was pre-existing. At this point I stress I have no problem with the men of the Masons. I'm of the opinion anyone can "worship" any thing they so desire, but only when keeping to themselves. I do therefore have a serious problem, as any reasonable person would, with the way Freemasons (Masons) appoint themselves outside the law to avoid all consequences of statutory imposition as a consequence of criminal actions for their members, regardless of the crime or allegation of crime.

Allen & Unwin in Sydney was allegedly purchased from UNWIN HYMAN LIMITED in 1990 after BIA was first published. BIA was therefore first published in about April 1989 by UNWIN HYMAN LIMITED after being printed in AU (probably by Pearsons VIC) then distributed to UK and USA as well as throughout AU. Its therefore logically inferred that the 1990 "buy out" transpired for the express purpose of concealing this criminal conspiracy in UK of falsely implicating AU's Janette globally.

Its therefore reasonably inferred that the person I refer to as "Elaine Sloman" or "Elaine Slowman" is in fact a DNA or marriage FAMILY to the aforestated Scottish Englishman Duggy Slowman, the same female who since about 1980, calls herself "Lynette Styles" and an Irish descendant who confessed to racial hatred in her KC book where she states with no doubt that she 'loathes the sound of the Scottish brogue' at point “27” page “27” in this link.


Where the use of “Elaine Sloman's” photo of herself in 1989 Sydney Newspapers served the Australian Labor Party (Hawke-Keating) government in a political cause coverup at Federal election time in 1984, (the fake murder was in Keating's electorate) then the illegal use of Janette's photo of her own face in 1989 served as a furtherance of the 1984 “political cause” which by 1995 was officially deemed by statute as a “terrorist act” when it was re-published with new book covers in 2002 and 2012. The latter being directly and jointly (tri) funded by government public officers in the federal and NSW State Governments; and television network 10 in Sydney AU.

So why don't the federal AU police investigate this “political cause” act of terrorism in AU by UK citizens that seriously harmed AU citizens where Janette and her children and a number of others have suffered “serious harm” by this political cause blatant lie engineered for the financial profit of the politicians involved through their re-election?  Expressly where intentional terrorist acts occurred in 2002 (the new book with Janette's photo) and 2012 (the new book without Janette's photo to cover up the previous terrorist acts)  being evidence of the same “political cause”.

I remind Mr Paul Keating ex prime minister that therefore his parliamentary payments after the December 1984 federal election are actually and reasonably deemable as “proceeds of crime”.

Right insert: in 1984 and far right in 1989 is  Jenny Peters seen here at Warwick Farm office Visyboard 1981.

Also Mrs Hall also being Janette Gail Francis as recorded on her 1956 NSW birth record.

Elaine Slowman and her international terrorist cell with an Australian base decided to implicate Jenny in 1989 as a murder victim for an Australian political cause, to benefit the Australian Labor Party.

Subsequently members of the Liberal Party of Australia joined the criminal political cause conspiracy to implicate Janette for the benefit of the Freemason cause as Janette had been privately campaigning against the Freemasons in police departments for harbouring fellow Freemason evidently and obviously guilty of a multiplicity of child sex crimes, including the entire membership of the Campbelltown NSW Royal Arch Lodge in circa 1967 AU as witnessed by Janette when she was eleven, was the Masonic Lodge combined brutal pack rape of two boys about Janette's own age; followed by the murder of one boy.

How's that for a no tertiary qualification "scrubber" then Elaine? As you evidently intended to infer of me as "Cr Jenny Hall" in your KC book that Wollondilly Shire Council public officers illegally supported considering its criminal defamation scandal content, penny dreadful. Not that I need to but as a point of public correction in consideration of the obvious false claims from government public officers in Wollondilly and elsewhere - zero is the number of times I've parted my legs for anyone since I left my partner Owen Hall in August 1997; and the number of times I parted my legs for anyone other than my two long term partner when I was living with either. If anyone wants to contend that kindly publish the evidence and send me the link so I can identify persons who drugged and raped me and prosecute them considering NSW AU police refuse to, evidently and potentially as they themselves were "the" pack rapists.

On topic: The term 'scrubber' and similar terms like 'chav' and the anti-whites racial term 'Shopping Trolley' evidently with their roots in the deemed 'upper' class vocabulary, only exist while there is an uneven distribution of wealth. The deemed 'lower' class only exist because 'upper' class refuse to allow economics of scale that would eventually remove all class distinctions. So when a self appointed 'upper' class person 'slags' on someone they deem 'lower class they're actually insulting their own negligent incompetence or premeditated refusal to assist those less financially fortunate, out of a bad situation they don't want to be in, but despite that make the best of what they have, or cope in the best way they can, same as deemed 'upper' class do when they consume any quantity of drugs or alcohol they can well afford. The huge difference is the 'upper' class want to be in that situation as 'substance abuser' else they'd not be there as they can afford to go to rehab and have a comfortable enough life not to need to self-medicate to zone out of their very bad financial situation. Psychologically speaking the narcissistic 'upper' class look down their nose at deemed 'lower' class in fear that it might be them in that situation one day, with their former 'friends' laughing at them. Some friends.


Anyone who consumed a supermarket pharmaceutical for headache or tea or coffee as a pick-me-up or their own prescription medication with their own hands, are 'self-medicating.' Used in KC context as "Lynette Styles" did, has a considerably harsh and defamatory inference. There was no associated "car accident" MARSDEN's alleged it was due to a minor prang I had at low speed in April 1983 despite not having any severe pain in the interim up to 1990 - my chronic back pain started in 1990 soon after BIA was copyright in 1989 - stopped when I left New South Wales. All the evidence suggests it was caused by the insertion of illegal implants in at lease three points along my spine; and implicates physician Mohamed Riyazuddin Ahmed as the primary surgeon hypnotist responsible. The same Mohamed Riyazuddin Ahmed who made three false consultation claims to Medicare in 2013-2014. It was a Sydney NSW AU LAWYERS & BARRESTER Robert John Colquhoun insurance scam to conceal my surgical rape directly linked to the 1989 BIA publication when my then lawyer, John Marsden (deceased) was president of the NSW Law Society.


Colquhoun was my barrester circa 1989. When I attempted to sue Labor & Liberal party (Adelaide Magistrates Civil Court) in relation to the 'political cause' harms they'd caused me (circa 2007) a Colquhoun represented the Labor Party head office, Canberra ACT.  It really is "us and them".  As is the way of AU Freemasons of my male parent's generation, (and those in the centuries before them and including when male parent associated with those from Canberra's Masonic Lodge when he raped me as a toddler in 1959) they always hide their dirty deeds behind the skirts of someone else - in walks ex NSW AU Green Valley public housing estate resident, Elaine Slowman. 


It would appear Wollondilly Shire Lynette Mary Styles wrote in 2014 KC of what she hated most about herself, then stuck my name to it; precisely same modus operandi for the 1989 BIA, then stuck my photo to it on a 'sex licence'.    BEEP BEEP.


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2014-11-05 Prime Ministers - 7 Still Ali
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SUPPORTING this illegal TERRORISM since 1980s:

5 Nov 2014 Australian Prime Ministers (L-R) Malcolm Fraser, Julia Gillard, Bob Hawke, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Paul Keating.   Photo: Dan Himbrechts/Pool photo


Having researched these matters for the past 30 years being the Fathers Day 1984 crimes and the flow on criminal political conspiracy in parallel surrounding myself, where I've never had a criminal record even as a child and was what my (non Freemason) school teachers generally considered an excellent student, by my attitude, scholastically and attendance wise, therefore, I can say with all due authority that I'm an expert on the subject and would under any other circumstance be qualified with a doctorate on the subject. Quite a few Australians have done much less to be acknowledged as an expert in their field of research. Indeed I know of one senior (town planning) public officer who've been awarded a Bachelor in Town Planning but never passed a single high school science exam, and another who the Law Society claims is (university) qualified to practice law but barely passed their Bachelor of Arts on their second attempt, 5 years apart. Obviously this recent history of State Government University awards brings into question the true qualifications for all government public officers in Australia.

Unlike Alexander the Great (Macedonian & friend of one of my ancestors according to history) who actively fought in all his campaigns with his army, modern senior management town planners are tasked merely to sign off on the hard work of their subordinates. They don’t actually need to be "experts" making their appointment purely political and ripe for the political corruption of the decision processes.

When you realise what these people of our governments have done to me you realise how close Australia in 2021 is to Nazi Germany in the 1940s. After having published this page in its finality yesterday, I went to the supermarket today, I was still in the car park when a 40 something year old woman came up to me and made a covert threat, she said she thought I was game for going outside on a bicycle. I thought little of it until I looked up a few seconds later after she’s passed me to see she was looking at me smirking. No doubt it was a threat. I've had women and their partners sneer at me at my local shops which is a high count Labor Party area.


I had a woman in a 4WD at another local shopping centre car park try to run me over, twice within a few seconds, I thought that was an accident until I saw her face and she was snarling at me. All that when in all my life, I've done absolutely NOTHING wrong and only ever demanded access to my basic human rights same as everyone else. Like I said, its a fearful thing that Australia in 2021 is so close to being like Nazi Germany where the Nazi political Party members deemed that they were the "masters" of the human race. I think its time to pull your finger out of that orifice of yours; and step up.

2012: In order to prove something you can’t directly prove you need to eliminate all other options. Its the long way around a problem, but just as binding on the Government as having their signed admission. In Adelaide District Court I filed several claims against various appropriate persons and Government entities after the State Human Rights Commissioner refused to investigate my applications with them. Our anti discrimination laws prohibits discrimination based on “race, gender, marital status, religion, disability and mental health, including perceived mental health status being a false claim you have a mental disability.” There is no statutory prohibition of “political discrimination” despite that the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been ratified by Australia and "adopted into Australian law" and deemed included in law and indeed in our federal Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (crimes against humanity & war crimes) When it came to the “race” question I stated that I was racially discriminated against based on the fact many generations of my family were born in Australia and therefore I had no alternate country to flea to or seek protection from within Australia. State Crown Solicitor (unconstitutionally) argued against me claiming that as I was “white” I couldn’t possible be racially discriminated against. Outrageous yes and why there are many “pro white race” groups springing up in various countries with a traditionally white race. After the Crown defeated my first case the State Judge and Crown Solicitor used that one as precedent to dismiss the rest.


2012 South Australia State Crown evidently believe they defeated me because I lost every case. They didn’t realise what I'd done (until I told them in my websites) that I proved by the process of elimination that the obvious treatment I’ve been subjected to in breach of Australian law is “political” as the only category left and the one that’s NOT unlawful under Australian civil law. It is unlawful as an action of “political cause” terrorism since 1995 Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), The Criminal Code..


They then went on to fabricate documents to falsely medically diagnose me as “delusional” and “schizophrenic” with absolutely no medical basis they merely insist that because they’re maliciously blind the the evidence and I refuse to accept their false reality, the “new normal” on that basis alone they've deemed that I must be crazy. Alternately, I suggest, based on “full facts” is that they’re infuriated by the knowledge that a woman with no tertiary degree can run rings around the Crown Solicitor leaving them looking absolute fools. All their own doing. BEEP BEEP.

THE irrefutable evidence establishing the "terrorist" conspiracy to cause serious harm to Janette Gail Francis, previously Clr Jenny Hall, Wollondilly Shire. The obvious curiosity is WHY JANETTE ?


30 August 2013: Threatening civil litigation for defamation etc., this was the date of Janette's last and unanswered email to NSW State Government's owned & politically controlled statutory utility, Wollondilly Shire Council.


5 November 2013: Coincidently, 7 Australian Prime Ministers assembled, representing Labor Party or Liberal Party, providing an opportunistic and covert unofficial bipartisan (political cause) agreement between the then current Liberal and Labor power brokers.


17 December 2013: NSW State Health public officers criminally accessed Janette's Medicare record, evidently to see where she was geographically and illegally use her Medicare Card as the Senate rejected "1986 Australia Card Bill". There was no lawful authority whatsoever for NSW State Health department to access any part of Janette's Medicare record after she left NSW for the last time in 2008.


19 December 2013: NSW's illegal access was evidently logically followed by SA State Health public officer Annette JONES' illegal email instigation of the criminal conspiracy with Andrew CHAMPION and others including Georgina Ai Chin CHENG the criminal offender signing the illegal infringement order with the forged Medicare number and name. Evidence of the "then" existing plan to intentionally sand significantly defame Jenny, (with the book "Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles" where Jenny is only identified as Wollondilly's "Cr Jenny Hall", not "Janette Hall" and not "Janette Francis" and despite that she nominated as "Janette Hall known as Jenny") comes form fact SA State falsified Medicare record (number & name) as Janette Hall. When Jenny's official Medicare card always recorded her middle initial (as it does yours) and was printed as "Janette G Francis" since 2009 (being the past 5 years.) These criminal conspirators claim they can't see any thing odd in myhead in the two MRIs seen to the right on desktop computer.

22 January 2014: Sees NSW Health check Janette's Medicare record at again, this time at 6pm the evening Janette was illegally imprisoned (about 2pm) in criminal breach of another State's Mental Health Act (SA) s 102. Extensively worded section 102 actually includes the NSW conspirators.


1 February 2014: "Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles" is recorded by Google as date of being self-publish by the author through the mysterious "Palmer Higgs". Where the author, not necessarily “ex Wollondilly Shire Cr Styles” claims as fact in a multiplicity of matters they're 100% unable to prove as true; and 100% unable to prove as substantially true. Its Janette's best guess that it was criminally published by an Australian Government, NSW Health Department authorised printer - or Wollondilly Shire Council's printer.

The Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS) operated from July 1970 to 1997 and had overall responsibilities for Australian Government publishing and printing. In October 1997 the production facilities of AGPS, including the Government Printing Office, were sold. Printing, publishing and distribution then became the responsibility of each individual agency.

Card 2021 when Jenny First Published Thi
Card 1982 Janette from VCR Video 100pc.p
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Card 1995 - 1999 WSC Janette crop.png

The more outrageous the events are the greater success their terrorist schemes enjoy.

Hoards of non-Australian citizens get government assisted legal representation in the High Court or lower courts for their inability to access reasonable health services in immigration detention or because they were tortured overseas. In stark contrast, as an Australian citizen having been born in Australia as were many consecutive generations of my immediate ancestors, not only am I

All belong in prison Medical Crime John

refused government

assisted legal representation in the High Court or lower courts for my inability to access reasonable health services and my torture in Australia, (my MRIs left) I get the added insult of being illegally branded with the baseless claims of “delusional” and “schizophrenic” by the governments themselves.

Hoards of asylum seekers have been granted the right to stay in Australia on the grounds that they've been tortured or oppressed by the


in their own country.

So what happens to Australian citizens like myself, who've been tortured with illegal body implants and or unconstitutionally oppressed by the government in Australia? Who do they turn to, the State court system who refuse to address the State crimes?

When I have gotten a matter into the higher State Courts its been unconstitutionally dispenced with as obvious DIRECT BIAS in favour of the Government controlling the Court or their interstate State Government.  SEE ALL IN THIS LINK That cobber me mate, is an act of “political cause” terrorism where the obvious “political cause” is to perpetuate the false belief that Australia is a country whose leadership is not controlled by oppressive politically motivated dictators. When in reality, it is. The above is not without a multiplicity of SUPPORTING documents from our Government's own official records. Including many records about others treated in a similar unconstitutional manner to myself. The obvious criminal isn't always the actual criminal, sometimes the actual criminal wears an expensive suit and sits in a parliament.

Cartoon Australia's Political Position B

2021 WOLLONDILLY PIG STILES you make all your animal deals”

Google eBook extract “Kangaroo Court” by Lynette Styles 2014, where its reasonable to presume this is indeed a parallel fantasy universe where the opposite is true or the accusers did the “dirty deeds done dirt cheap”.

2021 AUSTRALIA Sydney & Adelaide criminally support Wollondilly Pig Stiles 23p.pdf


Introduction in Google eBooks says this:

"This is a record of what went on behind closed doors and the reprisal I suffered at the hands of public officials on Wollondilly Shire Council over a four-year period between 1995 and 1999."

However majority of criminally premeditated false claims on "Cr Jenny Hall" cover her life from 1999 to 2014. Moreover the internet evidence proves the high probability that Lynette Styles, Wollondilly Council personnel and other State of NSW government public officers had "criminally" acted "in concert" with State of SA Adelaide government public officers, to kidnap Jenny from her residence on 21 January 2014 holding her "criminal hostage" from several "months" by criminal abuse of State Mental Health Act. Evidence that comes from State and Commonwealth's own documents. Jenny took the matter to court in 2019 where the State judge "criminally" perverted the course of justice.

Since Jenny contacted the State government over the illegal publication there's been associated alterations on the internet. The India based registered website that was downloading the eBook was cancelled. Additional fake sites have sprung up claiming to have the download. Various searches have "Jenny Hall" and "Wollondilly" are associated to pornographic and lesbian Google Search Results with nothing on that page link, which means its in their Search Engine Optimization "key words".Despite being formally request, the federal police responsible for investigating cyber bullying have failed to respond to Jenny. So why are WSC public officer so confident they’ve not defamed Jenny? Because they’re acting in a criminal political conspiracy to pervert justice harbouring those physicians and other political criminals who commissioned Jenny’s criminal surgical rape as evidenced in her 2006 infection & 2012 SCREW SHAPE IMPLANT CLEARLY SEEN in MRI's IMAGES of her head (photo at right) however both radiologists criminally refused to identify the potentially  "life threatening" situation and is obviously CONSPIRACY to MURDER Jenny for financial reward or political cause, see LINK





Written by Janette Gail Francis a prior Wollondilly Shire councillor, Clr Jenny Hall, who was also a prior student of Campbelltown High School (CHS) 1969-1972.

WOLLONDILLY PIG-STILES. The NSW State Government commissioned the Wollondilly Shire Council Library published assertions about (1995-1999) Councillor Jenny Hall (Janette Gail Francis) written or spoken by Lynette Styles and others is evidence in itself of, the existence of a secret pact to fabricate premeditated contextually outrageously blatant lies about Jenny, obviously constructed with intent to incite violence.

Equally, its overt evidence of a direct result of a considerably more extensive "political cause" conspiracy between very many others in Australian government circles - where many others have secretly agreed to a government service cartel arrangement with "unlawful silence" or "unlawful inaction" in response to their knowledge of the PIG-STILES agreements.

The book is stealthy presented as a collection of unlawful infringements of Australian law. Infringements Alison Nancy (Ally) Dench (1979-1982 CHS school chum of Jenny's ex; Owen Hall) circa 2014 as the (criminally) responsible Wollondilly Shire Council senior manager, DENCH unlawfully approved a collection of premeditated lies for Wollondilly library loans.


Sort of like the NSW Government's “Viking Tie Night” an anniversary dinner to evidently celebrate Freemason arranged murders of motorcycle club members on Fathers Day 1984, entry was gained by wearing one of the neck ties made especially after a Government contest for the “best” design - as discussed in the 1989 and 2001 versions of Allen & Unwin's Simpson & Harvey false publication NSW Freemasons named “Brothers In Arms: the inside story of two bikie gangs” same falsely claimed true story book the federal government jointly funded in 2012 with NSW State Government and made a TV mini series to further seal the bipartisan political deals and acts of terrorism on Australians, naming the mini series “Bikie Wars” where the “war” is the one the “political” Government declared on innocent citizens including Janette Gail Francis when she lived in her own property in the Wollondilly Shire before her land was politically and criminally stolen from her for the Fathers Day 1984 “political cause”.

Of the many “others” involved in this complex unlawful government cartel conspiracy (to do unlawful acts or to do lawful acts by unlawful means) each have their own very specific "personal" motive derived from their own unlawful desire to defame anyone for entertainment or secure express benefit perhaps to protect themselves or others from the consequences of criminal actions. 

In parallel with 20th century government Freemasons, 21st century Ally Dench rapidly rose through government ranks, when others remained stationary, or other manner of things. As did other CHS students who'd * commissioned and watched Jenny's “pack rape” in Campbelltown NSW when Jenny was only 15.

* The Politically Protected Accused:

Malicious rumours circulated as CHS claiming Jenny's oldest niece (born 1969) was "really" her own child, because (they said to Jenny) "she looks like you" Jenny didn't even start the menses curse until 1970. The real mum to Jenny's niece was 22 when the baby was born, Jenny was 12.

Elizabeth Francis (not Frances) Selsby CHS 1969-1972. Born 21 December 1955. Lived 22 Austin Ave Campbelltown. Her guilt sent this Church of England girl to a Catholic retreat for some weeks after Jenny's rape. The rumours the rapists spread was that Jenny was trying to "steal" the boy from his "girlfriend and Jenny arranged Elizabeth's rape. Liz Ozdemir Democrats general secretary Sydney NSW. Liz Coad.

Sharon Kay Love CHS 1969-1972. Born 14? September 1956. Lived 11 Emerson Street Leumeah NSW. Hazeldene Harley Davidson Motorcycles, Ballina NSW.

Rhonda Wark CHS 1969-1972. Narcissistic psychopathic traited Rhonda was angry at Jenny because she refused to be her friend like Neil was with Alan. Best friend of Liz Selsby when they attended Campbelltown Primary School NSW. Older brother Neil best CHS friend to Alan Francis, Every time Alan started morally supporting his little sister, Jenny, he was brainwashed to turn against her. MANY physicians in Australia were Freemasons, now they support political parties. Rhonda Brooks. Rhonda Halls Wollondilly Shire 1980-? daughter and little sister of NSW policemen. Husband to a Burragorang Valley coal miner, fellow coal miner with Jenny's partner Owen Hall in 1990s.

Card 1970 Campbelltown High class RED Ci

Jenny was surgically raped when pregnant with Owen Hall's two children before she was further surgically raped when an elected member of Wollondilly Shire Council. When was fellow Sydney region Anita Corby murdered? Pack rape was urban culture fully supported by NSW police, that's why most girls were silenced, one way or another.

Lets have a peek into the world of Government's Lynette Styles fantasy.

​In her “Kangaroo Court” book where she claims by inference my life over 15 or so years occurred between 1995 and 1999, which is obviously impossible.

FYI: its not a Bachelor of Solicitations, its a Bachelor of Laws.


When we wipe away all the government's bullshit, which evidently includes allocating bogus qualifications like candy, we see that Lynette STYLES published her Kangaroo Court on 26 May 2014 as it was 15 years after we'd left council her exposé appears to be a veiled direct response to my filed application on 1st April 2014 suing for copyright infringement in Sydney Federal Court NSD339/2014 the respondents were Allen & Unwin; both alleged authors of Brothers In Arms; and the Rex Walters family. I withdrew when A&U's CEO produced photos he claimed Rex Walters claimed were Leanne Walters. None were the fabled "cherished" 1984 newspaper photo subjected to the "ear" tampering. I withdrew my application to fight another day, as many of my successful warring royal ancestors did.

Looking at writing style of this BROTHERS IN ARMS and this KANGAROO COURT it appears they are very similar. Brothers In Arms has a few spelling errors (always spelt allways many times) and wrong reference to the day "On Sunday 3 September" in 1985, which was not a Sunday. The first Sunday in September 1984 was 2nd Sept. Because 1984 was a leap year (29th Feb) the first Sunday in September 1985 was on 1st September after only 28 days in February 1985. A person/s with a propensity not to fact check wrote BROTHERS IN ARMS. They guessed the day instead of looking for a perpetual calendar (in 1980s) one of which was usually published inside the back cover of Collins 3880 (red A4) Account Book Indexed Through #10926.  I sold them for $12.95 at my Camden NSW retail store circa 1989.


Evidently they looked at the 1988 perpetual calendar (#13) because they were either drugged, or chronically incompetent they looked at the 1989 perpetual (#1) errantly using that as 1985, instead of the 1985 perpetual (#3). BIA authors guessed many other unsubstantiated claims they made about more than one person they identified by name or visual image. Or they had a 1988 desk calendar when someone had a gun to their head telling them to write about the event in their own words as if it were 1984. Whatever takes your fancy.

Source: Collins 3880 image

Source: Simpson & Harvey's BROTHERS IN ARMS as altered after 2012


Lynette STYLES went on a multi-page tirade allegedly describing me when we were fellow elected councillors on Wollondilly Shire Council. Evidently, "Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles" is STYLES appraisal of her own feelings to perpetuate her compulsive criminal vendetta towards me, to cover up her own 1984 crimes when STYLES allowed herself to be the fake murder victim Leanne Walters five years later in 1989 NSW / federal Australia government decided to use my face as the same murder victim, (soon after I purchased my residence at 39 William Street The Oaks & the year after ex-Cooma NSW cop Freemason Jack Frederick Bassett killed himself on 24 April 1988 the evening of the very day he realised he'd protected another Freemason after my rape when I was 2 years old & who went on to rape many more children)  in the Freemason book they labelled "Brothers In Arms" its therefore interesting that STYLES should pen a family history book she names "Three Brothers" after she criminally defamed me with her own Kangaroo Court on me using my political identity (Clr Jenny Hall) when I was Mrs (Owen) Hall. This is an extract of STYLES own Kangaroo Court in her words where STYLES is clearly the perpetrator not the victim:


“In her mid forties with five children, her elevation to a seat on Council was the highlight of her unhappy existence. No longer just. a separated women on a pension, she was a community leader with a cockeyed view of her own self-importance. Living in assisted housing in Bowral with her two youngest children, Hall's downfall was her pugilistic disposition and erratic temperament. She nurtured a deep-seated resentment against women who succeeded in business, having failed in her own small business selling computers in Camden prior to her election on Council, and she nurtured an exaggerated belief in her own capabilities. A woman with little education, she didn't have the skill to debate issues logically. Her method of winning a point was to silence her opponents with pulverizing (sic) aggression.”


Ok so you do the math. We were both elected in 1995; I was born in 1956. I was 39 when elected and illegally dismissed just before my 43rd birthday. Clearly I was not in my mid 40s until after I left council, the rest is just as accurate. I was studying a Bachelor of Economics when I was elected and had secured a near perfect score in my IT course exam at the UWS Nepean Campus.


WOLLONDILLY SHIRE COUNCIL illegal 2019 response came in three letters


This is example of an unlawful conspiracy (pursuant to Australian law) between two government public officers to do something unlawful.

In this instance "the evidenced desired outcome" is to “pervert the course of justice” Can you guess the conspirators?


Wollondilly Shire Council's employed position they quaintly named "Head of Integrity" is "autonomous and independent" of council; and is specified (in their own documents) as the "final" point in a discussion with the appropriate official in Council. Therefore the "integrity" officer has no lawful authority to deem "Council's" response to a decision in first instance.


Which is precisely what happened when Eric IMBS answered my complaint in the first instance which is in breach of Council's CODE OF CONDUCT.


In his letters, Eric IMBS claims CEO Ben Taylor “instructed” Eric IMBS to respond to me instead of the appropriate officer within council, eg: Council's own lawyer, Bruce McCann.


If the CEO had instructed Eric IMBS to respond to me on behalf of the CEO, that is virtually the same as CEO asking his mum to respond to me on his behalf as CEO. Or same as State Parliament asking State Ombudsman to enact a legislation on behalf of parliament. Its Constitutionally impossible.


The evidence suggests the instruction came from State Government as Eric IMBS position forces him to liaise only with the Department of Local Government (there's no entity that can be legally defined as a “local Government” its a parliament-less unconstitutionally misleading title)


There is no "supply chain" in Wollondilly Shire Council between the General Manager (CEO) and the Head of Integrity, Eric IMBS, they operate in parallel, one with the authority of the Local Government Act; and one without it, guess which one that is.


Obviously Wollondilly Shire Council position on Integrity doesn't come from the head, it comes from the arse, full of bullshit.


Australian definition of a cartel Competition & Consumer Act, section 45AA "restricting outputs in the production and supply chain by parties that are, or would otherwise be, in competition with each other."


Note that government public officers are only protected under the prohibitions of the Act when acting in compliance with their own State law or Codes of Conduct.


If the State attempted to exclude their public officers from civil or criminal penalty of unlawful conduct by an enactment of parliament (Act or law) that would be in direct breach of the Australian Constitution which applies equally to federal and all state parliaments; and they can't exclude state or federal public officers from the public service with intent to undermine the Constitution as that would be unconstitutional (in breach of the “good government” clause)


Australian Constitution (part (I) and (ii) omitted for easy reading)

SECTION 52. Exclusive powers of the Parliament

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have exclusive power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:

(ii) matters relating to any department of the public service the control of which is by this Constitution transferred.


I'd been unable to study previously as my male parent refused me permission to complete high school in 1972 when I was 16 - I was kidnapped off the street and pack raped three times and became a mother when I was 17. I'd already been raped at an all-girls party when I was 15 by a boy one of my very best friends let in to rape me. A number of the rapists were children of NSW cops who refused to take my statement of crime. I was 15 same age they claim Leanne Walters was in the BIA book despite that the official age was 14 before the BIA book. Is it no wonder I'm a recluse?


STYLES intentionally defamed me, knowing no one would probably tell me about her 2014 Kangaroo Court book which I discovered in November 2020. The Australian governments intentionally defamed me, as a 15 year old rape victim they probably figured I'd be devastated or terrified when I read about Leanne Walters being 15 and dead with my ADULT face identified as that 15 year old murder victim.


There can be no doubt whatsoever that government officials (and Wollondilly Shire, Lynette Styles) conspired to physically harm me and criminally defamed me to protect FREEMASON associates, eg: ex Prime Minister ALP Bob Hawke etc. That's an act of terrorism with an obvious "political cause" and obvious "serious harm" and "intent to cause fear". So what are the AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE doing about it? Fuck all, "anything goes" when it comes to Liberal Party and Labor Party political terrorism in Australia.

At this point I'll highlight that the illegal surgery in my head in 1997 (as seen in 2012 MRI the Australian health departments criminally refuse to acknowledge) linked to the same Lynette Styles was obviously intended to make me act like a retard. It has caused me brain damage where I reverse the meaning of things I want to say. However I still got a high distinction (perfect grade) in my 2018 Defamation law assignment for my Bachelor of Laws (not completed).

I'm not stark raving mad as a result of my experiences in the aggressive communities which I've lived because of my DNA. I'm and INTJ personality because of my DNA. As an INTJ I gathered all the facts I had and presented them logically to the government, repeatedly, still they illegally label me "the" mental health patient that I've obviously never been and refuse to acknowledge the obvious evidence of criminal conspiracies in their own documents. Clearly it appears quite obviously  that in these events Janette is the ONLY PERSON who isn't as mad as a cut political snake or as nutty as a fruitcake.


On the back of her vanity publication STYLES ran for election. Her vanity publication, (Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles) was wilfully maliciously, (illegally) deemed the truth by a number of NSW Government public officers, who obviously thought was a good idea to list in Wollondilly public library for public loan. Defamation is a tort under civil law. Reckless defamation is a State crime, that potentially had a federal effect.


It sat there for several years until I discovered it late in 2020 along with the Google Books online (eBook) version of the book.


On the face of it, defaming me was intended to make STYLES look the customary “victim” to secure the sympathy vote, after all it worked for the terrorist's "political cause" when Lynette Mary STYLES' faked her own death in 1984 as the government promoted bikie slut they named Leanne Walters.


Evidently, to assist STYLES on lying to the election public to better her changes of a future election win:

In 2013 to Goulburn NSW press published on 2 August 2013 this outright lie of her "lawyer" status has the heading "Lawyer runs for softer One Nation", story extract by Tom Sebo:

STYLES false quote A, "Being a lawyer..."; and

STYLES false quote B,  “As a lawyer, I don’t..."


Two years later in 2015 to Bowral NSW published on 18 March 2015 this contextually misleading story (extract) by Megan Drapalski:

“POLITICS is a plight of passion for Wollondilly candidate Lynette Styles. Ms Styles ... worked for the Wollondilly community as a councillor between stints as a criminal and family lawyer.” or

LAWYER: "A barrister or solicitor; a person qualified to practise law..."

source: LexisNexis Concise Australian Legal Dictionary, p368.

Proving that before she published her criminal defamation in her book "Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles" Lynette Styles Wollondilly had already publicly proved herself to be a habitual liar. Ergo: Wollondilly Council senior officer, Alison (Ally) Nancy Dench, had no reasonable grounds NOT to believe Lynette Styles had published politically motivated lies in the book Ally Dench approved for library loan, with obvious intent by Ms Ally Dench to be a willing or willfully blind unlawful-conspirator with Lynette Styles to "politically" defame me on outrageous lies in every aspect of my life. That is, to conspire to do an unlawful action by abusing her position as a senior public officer to intentionally cause me harm, (physical harm or harm to my reputation.) That's the definition of an act of terrorism in The Criminal Code, Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

As a point of curiosity, I note that Lynette STYLES and Alison DENCH have same taste in gold necklaces.

As another point of interest; Wollondilly Council's senior officer Ali Dench was a very close friend of my now ex defacto Owen Neil Hall (1964-2010) when Alison attended Campbelltown High from year 7 to year 10 as Owen did. This is why Alison Nancy (Ally) Dench in her own hand wrote her name and signature as me second proposer for my nomination for election on Wollondilly Shire Council in 1995. The same year she started the law degree that gave her the senior position on Wollondilly Council a few years later.

Owen Neil Hall stole my real estate (in The Oaks NSW)  two days before I gave birth to Owen and my second child, in concert with Graham Holby from Macarthur (Mutual) Credit Union. When I asked him to leave my house he refused. His refusal was backed by local uniformed NSW police officers who criminally claimed Owen Hall was the Land Totles Officer, Torrens Title owner of (my) residence at 39 William Street The Oaks, on the basis that the corrupt cop claimed, with words to this effect "Owen has a solicitors letter to prove he owns the property." The letter like Owen Hall and Lynette Styles was a fraud. Like myself, Owen Hall features prominently in the A&U book "Brothers In Arms" and named as someone other than he really was. I suspect Owen's been given another identity rather than died of lung cancer aged 45 and on smoker.

Contrary to Lynette Styles falsified defamation, Owen Hall became an attempted murderer, either by incentive and greed or by being brainwashed. Soon AFTER I'd been elected to Wollondilly Council, Owen Hall had planned to murder me three times. He loosened the steering on my Mazda 929 circa 1996, (a matter that can be proved.) After Michael Banasik and his sister had successfully stolen my Mazda 929 in concert with another Catholic ALP supporter in Bowral NSW, (a matter that can be proved.) Owen "gave" me a small sedan with a significant fuel leak in the engine bay. I had the leak repaired, (a matter that can be proved.) He then planned a murder suicide with our children asleep in my Bowral private rental when he turned on all 4 gas stove jets presuming I'd arrive home through the kitchen with a lit cigarette. He then swore in court filed affidavit (complaining I'd stolen his car) that he'd only lent me the car, (a matter that can be proved.) He then swore via another court filed affidavit he gave me the car when a decision was to be made on the amount of child support he had to pay, (a matter that can be proved.) 


Interesting point is that when someone was lying to my next door neighbour claiming my older sons were my "paid lovers" I sprung our Lynette Styles exiting from another neighbour's residence in Tulip Close Bowral, the same street myself and Michael Banasik's sister lived. I was in private rental, evidently they were both in State housing rentals. So what was Wollondilly Shire Bowral resident Lynette Styles doing in the Wingecarribee Shire, Tulip Close Bowral, talking to my neighbour? She ignored me when I called out to her and kept running to her vehicle, the witchmobile.

I'd lived in the Tulip Close Bowral residence for two years when I was an elected Wollondilly Shire councillor. I moved to the neighbouring council area to attempt to bring an end to the criminal assaults I'd been targeted with.  Councillor Lynette Styles made a formal complaint during Council general meetings that I'd moved out of the Shire she said something like "the residents have a right to know" She also complained in Council meeting that the General Manager had written a "glowing" reference for me, complaining that she didn't get one. Centrelink required the reference to pay me the supporting parent benefit, gleaned from the opening paragraph. After their male parent had tried to kill us all - Lynette Styles lodged a formal complain that I'd fed my small children the Council purchased sandwiches I was supposed to eat before a meeting. I stopped bringing my children to council meetings unable to secure child care I was ultimately illegally sacked by the 1999 elected members as I was unable to secure child care during meetings.

Lynette Styles is/was the perpetrator not a victim. My illegal sacking was the KANGAROO COURT moment in my election term, not Lynette Styles "under the radar" perpetual complaints about nothing reasonable.  So what's Council's Meetings Child Care Policy for elected members in 2021 ? That'd be part of why there's only ONE elected female. The other part is the entrenched government supported sexism in Wollondilly Shire. In 1999 government public officer illegally caused my formal complaints about "sexual harassment" from Michael Banasik (inappropriate touching & questions) and the Wollondilly Shire Council (for refusing a child care policy)  to the Anti-Discrimination Board to be cancelled, after they illegally and unconscionably sacked me from my elected position. Its therefore in Wollondilly Council's Michael Banasik's best interests to defame me as extensively and as often as he can. One of the statements I'd made to the ADB was that Banasik held up the Wollondilly Library copy of A&U's Simpson & Harvey "Brothers In Arms" with my photo inside, excitedly exclaiming to other councillors that, "This'll be a collector's item." This complaint was evidence that they all accused me of being the Leanne Walters in that book. Including the original Leanne Walters, our Lynette Styles, also known as Visyboard's Elaine Sloman from Green Valley, State government's housing estate and prime criminal hot spot in 1970s/1980s NSW. Michael Banasik was interested in the statement that alleged the "Leanne Walters in the book" had "tattoos on her boobs" that read "Sweet" and "Sour". Something like 'show us your tits Jenny.'


To make matters even worse, my then partner, Owen Hall, had bought me a pair of black Windsor Smith 'biker style' boots. Only he omitted that bikers usually wear them. I wore them as I had significant back pain and needed flat shoes but have very broad feet and can't wear most off-the-shelf womens shoes. Many of my Council associates took my boot wearing as evidence I was a Rebels biker chick. This they accused me of to my face refusing to accept my denials. There were even admissions that "NSW police" informed them I was "really" Leanne Walters.

I had male (Labor Party) councillors from Campbelltown NSW at MACROC meetings and the Local Government Conference asking me to "sit on (their) face Jenny" it was intolerable, especially when the other councillors merely laughed. I attempted to file a statement at the local police station by the uniformed cops claimed, "You've probably done something to make them think its ok." Mike McGann's detective friend Mr Harding at Bowrakl as I recall.


I'm everyone's critic. If you Google ex Wollondilly councillor Marina Voncina you'll see she is the lawyer whose practised Family law and Criminal defence law. Marina was elected in the same 1995-1999 term STYLES and myself were. Marina had been elected the prior term and later subsequent terms. Marina had also been Mayor in our term. This is an example of political PARTY spin. They use a little bit of truth to spin their outrageous lies expecting most will remember something like the new story so won't bother to check the facts.


Considering STYLES (press stated) political aspirations with the One Nation Party and Clive Palmer's political party have seen her stand as a candidate in NSW elections near Tahmoor NSW, its reasonable to presume when communicating with the traditional newsprint company, (Southern Highlands News who used to have an office in Bowral when I lived there in private rental accommodation) Lynette Styles either stated as fact or inferred she was legally practising law in NSW for employment and or as a volunteer qualified solicitor / lawyer.


Out of curiosity, I searched to verify the facts in January 2021 and discovered that Lynette Styles is not listed as a lawyer in NSW



Closest I can find to “Lynette Styles” securing a law degree was when a “Lynette Mary Styles” secured a Graduate Diploma in Law at Wollongong University (UOW) NSW in 2001. I'd failed to find any other BEFORE (or after) that date. Evidently this is a fake qualification. How could someone scrape through a Ba Arts and qualify as a practicing lawyer in the same year? Its impossible.



I don't know if our Lynette Styles is a or this Lynette Mary Styles. So I keep searching for the truth to prove my assertions, as I always do and have done many times in the past.


In the same 2001 UOW document a “Lynette Mary Styles” secured a Bachelor of Arts Honours (Class III). To understand the grade I searched and found the UOW document that explains the Clas III grade as 50% to 64% overall mark and the grade above an outright fail.


In another UOW document I found, this one dated 1997, a “Lynette Mary Styles” secured a regular Bachelor of Arts.


The Australian Business Number registrar lists a “Lynette Mary Styles” as having ABN 29255051038 since 2009 and last updated on 12 October 2015. This Lynette Mary Styles registered her ABN in NSW 2573. Postcode 2573 is Tahmoor NSW.


In one perfect circle (I love circles) the origional news story quotes our Lynette Styles as saying, “I live in Tahmoor”.


I'm quietly confident our Lynette Styles is the same Lynette Mary Styles in all the above documents.


What say you Lineypoo? Are you as full of it as you actually appear in this set of documents? I'd ask you in email but as you've refused to respond to my first emails to your yahoo and gmail accounts I'm, afraid of sending more in case you sue me for vexatious harassment or contact "A Current Affair" again with even more outrageous lies about me “complaining about the numbers of dogs on your property” and being active with “a long vendetta against you” I think it was the first year we were on council and I didn't even actually know where you lived. That was well before I realised you are Elaine Sloman from Visyboard 1981-1984; and Leanne Walters the first photo of the 2 September 1984 bikie murder victim aged 16 when you were probably in your early 40s. I guess I can safely say your Kangaroo Court is your own appraisal of your feelings of criminal intent towards me, not the other way around dear. Hence the smug look "down" on us all.


If you know the street address of this Lynette Styles, kindly send me an email as I need to sue the vindictive bitch for defamation, click click boom.

jenny a t

the real Janette Gail FRANCIS, (Clr Jenny Hall)

Janette's good looking, modest and highly intelligent, what a combination.

beep beep

Lawyer Claim another FRAUD from Lynette
Card 2021 Fake Lynette Styles Kangaroo 1

Above: Lynette Styles as 16 year old murder victim in 1984 when she was 30 something. 

Proving Australian PRESS DIRECT BIAS in their full support of political crime

(aka terrorism)

Moral rights

Moral rights protect the personal relationship between a creator and their work. Moral rights concern the creator’s right to be properly attributed or credited, and the protection of their work from derogatory treatment.

WSC Dec 2020.png
Card 2013 Election POLICE ACADEMY AREA H
Cartel  (13).png
Card 2021 BROTHERS In CRIME Stephenson G
STYLES 2016 WSC election.png
WSC Ally Dench.png

the truth is out there

Card 2010 Fake Snot 1984 Tony Spencer -S
2016 Lynette Styles -Anti Rate Increase

Above: 2015 Lynette Styles opposing a rate increase, copying Clr Hall with less than she did in 1996 when she delivered one flyer to every residence in her electorate at her own expense. Local press credited another Labor Party Councillor Banasik for Clr Hall's actions, they ran NO story about Clr Jenny Hall. evidently as Labor Party intended to nominate Banasik for federal election in Macarthur and Labor Party "owns" all local press.


1997 WSC Janette at Yerranderie -Warraga

Many ignorant people assume a small head means an incompetent brain. I've got a notably very small head, long neck, broad shoulders, broad hands and broad feet, (have nothing to do with not wearing shoes as a child, almost always wore shoes.) Singling people out in individual photo as opposed to group photos, makes it easy for criminal minded persons to alter their relative appearance, as seen below where Marina's head looks smaller than mine and above where you can see Marina has a much larger head than me.  Janette.

WSC 1995 Election.png
Card 1982 Janette from VCR Video 100pc.p
RR Janette Road-Runner.jpg
STYLES  2014 Kangaroo.png
WHITE Screen.jpg
Australia Map Trans Flag Logo.png
RR Coyote-Road-Runner.jpg

WHATEVER IT TAKES, Graham Richardson for Labor Party meant that literally. Sure the words in the book "Whatever it takes never urged an illegal act" I've skimmed it I agree. Same as Michael Banasik's court testimony "he never saw" Clr Styles barge me was 100% true because BANASIK was never there when it happened. Graham Richardson's Labor Party (left & right) devoted followers acted like criminals to me doing whatever it takes to get their own way.


I've got a 3 cm (three centimetre) or one and half inch screw in my brain that went there without my permission and no other lawful authority - bipartisan politicians and their funded physicals have stepped up and actively blocked my legal right to remove it - how more fucking illegal an act does ANYONE need to say, hey that's not right lets help her? Instead they claim they can't see the fucking screw as they 'toss political mud' name calling at me claiming I'm the psychopath because I can see their illegal implant and feel it vibrating sparking & causing me external skin burns & scaring in my face and head generally & along with the other illegal implants in my arms, legs, and torso, shattering my nose as they shoved implants there so now its difficiult to breathe through my nose. So whose the psycho then?

The illegal implants went in AFTER Labor Party stole my visual ID to label me as their dead chick instead of their first choice used to strengthen their chances in December 1984 election.


No surprises in knowing Graham Richardson WAS OBVIOUSLY directly involved in some part of these criminal events.

  1. 1984 when murder fraud published ALP held Canberra.

  2. 1986 purchased my 1st home made possible by ALP grant.

  3. 1989 when book fraud published ALP held Canberra.

  4. 1991 when pregnant & surgically raped ALP held Canberra.

  5. 1991 when my ist home was stolen ALP held Canberra.

  6. 1996-2002 mojority period when I was surgically raped Libs held Canberra.

  7. 2012 when TV mini series fraud published and federally funded ALP held Canberra after they'd won it back from Libs.


Point of interest, through my Scottish Campbell ancestors, and possibly ancestors of the Bandido Campbell’s I'm related to a long line of MENZIE clan Knights and chief's potentially as far as they go as recorded in the Red & White book of MENZIES history of the Clan until it gets unclear whose who; and potentially also prior prime minister, Sir Robert Menzies ancestors. However none of that matters to people who only care about their own fame & fortune in the hear and now, never the big picture or the public interest. I'm quite thankful I'm not related to a Hawke, Keating or Richardson, or a lying Styles. "you can't hide your lying styles..."

When you read anything Janette (Jenny) has written keep in mind that with the illegal implants the political government in Sydney criminally lobotomised her; once after she was kidnapped after council meeting in 1997 through her eye/s then again in 1998 before a MACROC meeting and through a hole in the top of her head after which she was 100% unable to speak. Jenny was supposed to chair the meeting. All of the MACROC "team" were aware Jenny had been kidnapped and returned unable to speak. They pretended nothing had happened.

"Lynette Styles was sitting directly opposite me when I was trying to speak, all I got out was barely a whisper but I know from her smirk on her face she heard me, I was repeating the word "HELP" so that'd be why she wrote the reference to the "little girl's voice" in my numbered paragraph "84" her book "Kangaroo Court" it was their Kangaroo court on me. Perhaps that illegal lobotomy was on her carpet in her shop. I've never KNOWINGLY been inside her shop I don't even know what its named or where it is. While we're there, I was illegally sacked BEFORE the Illawarra News Story and well BEFORE Lynette Styles' bullshit and her sacking which was obviously intended to mask what they did to me. No one had any lawful authority to cessure me when I wasn't even deemed a councillor. Like I said, anything that comes from Wollondilly Council on Clr Jenny Hall is complete political fantasy. Because the Hawke-Keating political cause is behind the assaults on me and Libs rubber stamped it, I'm left for dead by everyone." Janette Gail Francis

Therefore it is marginally difficult for her to write without having to re-read several times as her brain misses obvious errors despite many reads. That Jenny has been treated unconstitutionally as if she has no legal rights as a person, without any lawful authority and an outrage to public decency, in itself proves persons affiliated in any way to government actually believe in their OWN mind that they OWN Jenny in same way southern USA white people believed they owned black skinned people before civil war as they BOUGH and sold them like used cars. Wonder who bought Jenny on Australia's black market?

For reference read: "The Forgotten Story Of Rosemary Kennedy, Who Was Lobotomized So That JFK Could Succeed"

Australia's Government of the Commonwealth & two States have acted with direct bias refusing me access to my rights under statute, (Australian law) in every State Civil or Criminal Court & Commonwealth Family Court action I've been involved in since 1990. Which is every action my first action, failed 1990 AVO application against my paedophile Freemason male parent when I'd caught him in the act but police refused to charge him because he was a fellow Freemason same as the Freemason magistrate who sent me to mediate with a Freemason sex offender, on the grounds the accused was a fellow Mason. This includes the 2007 I was arrested & charged & put on bail for several months where police objected to me having bail, because I legally & moderately defended myself & my daughter from the illegal assault of an undercover Christies Beach police station police male who assaulted me due to his own lack of respect for all women he encounters in his public office position when he entered a female public toilet for sole purpose of criminally assaulting me after I asked him to move so we could gain access to the female toilet in a Woolworths shopping complex. The State has illegally refused to allow me my right to seek damages under Common Law in their higher State Court in every unlawful matter they've been the tortfeasors. My right to “seek” damages.


These facts about my Court injustices when I've never committed any criminal offence at any time in my life brings into question State's competence in their decisions in favour of the State in every matter before any Australian State Court when the State has been a party. Including the blatantly obvious Court matter of the large number of persons charged for the 1984 fabricated death of the FAKE Leanne Walters. That last matter is why the Liberal Government surgically raped me in late 1990s using an overtly self-boasting Muslim physician medically educated in India (doctor Mr M.R.Ahmed) after the Labor Government surgically raped me in the late 1980s & early 1990s using (doctor Mr Fred Uehlin) a physician medically educated in Germany. The Muslim-German content is the mark of the Freemasons who ALWAYS use 'types' of people as subterfuge to distract attention away from Masonic involvement, the Masonic trademark or modus operandi. For the women & men of Milperra Massacre the Masonic trademark was the fake female child to tug at the heartstrings of the global population so their 'target' population self-generate  their 'own' anger so that they're 'blind' to the truth of it and subsequently professionally embarrassed at their own incompetent stupidity when they've been forced (by me) to realise the truth of it. They accuse me of being delusional because they want to hide the fact they were (are) the (intentional) delusional ones. As one who was illegally drugging me to illegally interrogate me told me in the 1990s he sees everyone's truth in layers, like an onion. Such a waste of a pretty face, fatboy.

When you stand at a different window to look at the garden you see flowers you can't see at that other window.

All anger renders all people blind to something, some more than others.

The moral of this story: Always stay calm so that you'll always see the truth in everything.



Same as life generally, this is a work in progress.

Mike McGann BIA 1984 CROP - Paul Wright
Jan-Michael Vincent.png
Card 2019 Janette selfie aged 63.png

“Simpson & Harvey's Brothers In Arms” the Freemason big fat lie eBook on page 134 says "… (sic) Jan Michael Vincent, Leanne's then heart-throb"

Jan-Michael Vincent (above right) was born in 1944 he would have been older than the bullshit king Rex Walters & at least 25 years older than the Government's fake murder victim Leanne who in BIA was allegedly born in 1969. Reality is this was a jibe at me for those who knew me and knew Jan-Michael Vincent is someone I had often publicly idolised like a regular fan and did so because to me he looked like my first love when I was 15. The three covers of the BIA says (fake) Leanne was 15 but official police and coroner records say (fake) murdered (fake) Leanne Walters was 14.

Again, its no ones business but to address the many persistent claims I was a "slut" when a teenager. I say this as fact: Despite that my girlfriends confessed to being sexually active in their high school years, I was not. I am one of those people who feel the sex act is a secondary necessity in a relationship., something done because you love the other person and its what they want or you want to have a child with them.  My prime concern for a relationship to start is the personality of the other person and whether they like themselves enough to love me. I really don't care about money and sex they're not the important elements of life and love. I'm a much deeper person psychologically than most. Nothing about me is flippant.

My INTJ personality is globally claimed to have a "judgemental" factor, I disagree. I assess or analyse everyone I speak to and continue to reassess and reanalyse them with every word they speak or every gesture.  After long contact, if they've not been lying to me I can 'virtually' know what they're thinking. If they do something different, then I know they're lying.  Should be INTA. This is why I 'stare' at people with no expression or don't respond to their attempts to provoke me. I don't want to generate false response. When I laugh I'm genuinely amused, its never fake. I'm easy to amuse hard to impress. Respect is something everyone should have from everyone else, its "trust" that must be earned, not respect. The absence of respect is an element in every crime. However not everyone who rubs or scratches their face or nose is lying, to believe that's common with everyone demonstrates absence of respect for individuality.


Some people (and this chap) are excellent mimics some are genuine its impossible to deem a liar by their mannerisms and their words. Only thing that tells the truth are their actions, all their actions not actions in a short space of time. These are my ultimate "secret" I've spent my entire life assessing or analysing everyone I meet which makes me an "expert" without a parchment. Frankly I don't want a parchment if it means that makes me like everyone else, as clearly I'm not. I can do a pretty good mimic of a talking cockatoo as I spent a lot of time getting to know one (my male parent brought home after its elderly owner allegedly died) before I released it to fly free, which made male parent padlock all his bird cages. I subscribe to freedom for all - only exception is clearly proved crime, not Ivan Milat style proved crime. I suspect everyone who commits a crime is suffering a form of cognition deficiency, the inability to understand the complexities of the widespread adverse consequences of their crime on everyone including their own life and the future generations. Sort of like the butterfly effect but in reality not in fantasy. I suspect I have enough evidence to prove all Government's 'want' the perpetuation of poverty-crime so as they have an excuse to employ police to threaten & bully their political opponents into submission. From all the evidence which includes all their actions & inaction in this matter, for me & presumably any sane person of any sensibility the Rex Walters family & Lynette Styles & their gang of Australian police and politicians are just as "innocent" as USA's amazing "Dalia Dippolito" as seen in the last video.

Another example of  'caveman logic' is orgasm during rape means "they wanted it". Our bodies are structured to reproduce, that's our primal function as a species, same as animals in the wild. That's why the orgasm is a thing at all. Evidently the female lubrication and male ejection assists in the reproduction process. Its logical deduction orgasm is an automatic response same as breathing in and out, something that all rapists & majority of men & some high testosterone females are incapable of comprehending.

20 years ago when I had the finances to pay for a lawyer no one would touch the case. Not even my old friend Ian Cheetham who'd represented Lynette Styles against me mid 1990s. I simply didn't know who was behind this illegal block, the Government or the Motorcycle Clubs. I'd done the rounds at the Clubs I could find to no avail, (Rebels Campbelltown NSW, Comancheros through Jock Ross on electoral roll & Hell's Angles Granville) so I agreed to move to Goulburn in 2002, knowing I'd soon learn if it were the police. My reasoning was that if the outlaw motorcycle fraternity ware behind the Simpson Harvey fraud, they'd recognise my face in an instant as I still looked much the same. Didn't take the cops long to show "their" traitorous colours.

Janette Francis 1997.png

Janette Gail Francis

2018-04-20 Janette Right Eye Vibration B
1980s BIA Visy Leanne Janette B CROP .pn

Lets clear the air, everything you've been taught about the Australian democracy is fake. There is no democratic government only partially democratic elections. The parliament dictates to us from their own "party" agenda, just as Adolph Hitler & his Nazi Party did. There is no Local Government its a glorified committee, not a government. Until electric vehicles there was no motorcar and no motorcycle, if it has a piston its an engine, not a bloody motor. There is no justice system, its a popularity contest system, if you're not popular with the “Government” you don't get access to your legal right, which is not a right after all as if you don't get it automatically its a bloody privilege. Need I continue? Your entire life is a lie. Everything "Government" tell you is a lie. Grow up and face reality you're just one of several billion arseholes no one really cares about when push comes to shove.

Mid 2004 a group of armed Goulburn NSW police stormed my single female parent residence without a warrant. They knew I had no male associates they just wanted to frighten me and my children because they're true Australian males. At the police station I was strip searched they claimed they were looking for drugs. I've never been cautioned or arrested or have any history whatsoever of using or supplying drugs. Obviously to humiliate me. My crime? I'd complained to police my house had been illegally broken into by a NSW cop and & daughter, 1984 Fathers' Day investigator detective Bob Bradbury & State housing Goulburn staff Leisa Maree Bradbury. This specific family of Bradbury's were my neighbours in The Oaks NSW when my stolen photo of my face was stolen & published as the fave of a (fake) murder victim (left) replacing the Sydney newspaper's "first photo" of same fake murder victim (right) thereafter I became Simpson & Harvey's (Masonic) "Brothers In Arms the ..." substitute fake.


Most appropriate definition for Masons - "Mafia for the mediocre."

Woman in red: Bridget Sordo. Wonder if SORDO is a female Mason.

Maybe she's the female in the sex videos they say are of Janette.

Bridget Sordo 2020.png

Above: a Janette doppelgänger Bridget Sordo.

1980s BIA Visy Leanne Elaine-Lynette B C

The break & enter occurred earlier in 2004 when I was away from the house & after they failed at getting past my back entry security, wrecked my back door in the process, they smashed the laundry window. To cover up their tracks they got "family" in State housing, (my landlord) to drill out my front door deadlocks & my roof access locks. State housing left my front door swinging in the breeze allowing my recalcitrant neighbour Mr Cooke, to ransack my possessions stealing whatever took his fancy. State refused to pay compensation. State Fair Trading Residential Tribunal (Ms Chenoweth from Wollongong) deemed State Housing staff, (Leisa Maree Bradbury daughter of NSW police detective &1984 Milperra Fathers' Day murders investigator Bob Bradbury) was within her right to deem I'd abandoned the house, as I'd not answered their knock on my door when I was privately preoccupied inside the house & Mr Cooke had seen me drive off with a (by law) covered box trailer. 2004 Goulburn police secured a 5 year AVO from Goulburn local court to censure my formal complaints to police affixed to my private car (see Holden Calais photo below) that included the word “Bradbury”. Because Goulburn police were “embarrassed” by the implication that they were accessories to serious crimes spanning past 20 years at that point.

At least one NSW police person committed suicide because they did something illegally to me to benefit the Masons (Freemasons) probably more considering a common excuse I heard in 2000s after one top cop took his life was, “they acted in the best interests of their family”. So whose family was it in the “best interests” to have me surgically raped from head to toe after Lindsay Simpson & Sanrda Harvey's BIA was published? “The political party supporting family?” Whose "interests" were served by publishing "Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles" the actual *DNA-mother of Lindsay Simpson & or Sandra Harvey an Lorraine Leslie Walters wife of Rex John Walters and fake parents of the fake Leanne, fake Fathers' Day 1984 murder victim, in the Wollondilly Shire NSW Government controlled public library? Not my family for sure. Clearly “the political party supporting family's interests”  on both counts.

* previously known as Elaine Sloman or Slowman; her three or four daughters names ranged from Jennifer, Lynette, Leanne, Lorraine and Joanne the youngest. Evidently Elaine liked the name Lynette. From memory at least one of their daddy's was a NSW cop. Evidently they had so many "stories" they published story books. Evidently to boast about their crimes they used intentional Freudian slip titles matching titles with deeds then making up the book content to suit. Apparently when acting in concert with Government criminal element by their actions,  they were quite confident they'd committed the perfect crimes, plural, eg: "The Killer Next Door" and Jennifer Cooke's "Done Like a Dinner" which was one of my many common satirical phrases, this one used when I'd finished a mundane task. Jennifer and I were close at Visyboard 1981-1985 I used to give her a lift to and from our common workplace & same workplace for Lynette Styles as "Elaine Sloman" Visyboard, Scrivener St Warwick Farm NSW, directly behind Liverpool public hospital. The DNA under the "sex card" photo published in 1989 BIA will match either or both Lorraine Walters or Jennifer Sheehan. I saw then do that. I used to always write in "green coloured" Pentel Rollerball Pens at Visyboard, (Visy bought them in bulk) & in my private life (I bought my own.) The writing on the "sex card" will match the chemical composition of this pen ink in 1980s. One of the two girls wrote on the card in my presence. They refused to give me the card despite a scuffle. I'm pretty sure I was illegally drugged at the time, because I never get drunk and never take mind altering drugs.

Mos Ross Milat Vella Jenny

Over 100 State government HEALTH workers named in this website are supporting prelude to another Holocaust by blocking my right to relevant medical services. Therefore, its workers not the parliament who dictate who gets to live in peace & who gets tortured on "political" or “economic” grounds.

Is that not a prelude to another Holocaust.

Simply: If in your “government public office” position you comply with an instruction that's NOT legal, you act unconstitutionally. If the motive is for a political or religious cause & it intimidates or harms even one person then its a terrorist action under Australian Federal law. No matter who told you to do it. In BOTH circumstances you're NOT protected under ANY law, neither them or you. Your actions therefore prove you're probably a psychopath.

For irrefutable proof the majority of humans ARE psychopaths, go & research for yourself the post WWII “Stanley Milgram USA psychology experiments on obedience” which proved the majority of the population are psychopaths, same as Adolph Hitler's gang of sadists.

Not to mention the private physicians, in reflection of Stanley Milgram's work & Australian law, the 100+ Adelaide region State GPOs who've done anything adverse in reaction to my lawful complaints, that I've been criminally surgically raped & experience vibrations 24/7 in my head and down my spine & all 4 extremities (everywhere) by their ACTIONS or INACTIONS are sadistic psychopathic terrorists. There's no medical degree required for that diagnosis. Add the numbers of State & Federal GPOs in NSW who orchestrated my surgical rape on political grounds. This large number prove Australia is CONTROLLED by terrorists under a bipartisan banner of both Liberal Party & Labor Party. They're terrorists for the same political cause.

Its logically & conclusively irrefutable.

Card 1984-2018 Police Brothers Lie ears

Australia's expectations on terrorist activity deems terrorism participants must be imprisoned, if or when their term is complete & if naturalised they must be deported back to their birth country. Regardless of status in fact the higher status the higher a political terrorist risk they pose to Australian residents. Obviously any good deeds they've done in Australia were to mask their inate terrorist predisposition. In stark contrast, someone like me couldn't give a toss if you like me or not. I prefer not as I prefer my privacy over fake friends. Unlike me, Adolph Hitler was charismatic as most psychopaths are.

Video right: Skip to 32:42 (mm:ss) post WWII Germany medical industry criminal activity is evidently the blueprint for what our Australian Government have done to me & any others they want to illegally suppress. Here's one example Francis v Cole ANOR where the evidence indicates Australia's State Government illegally & unofficially appoint a Judge to this case who has evidently agreed to illegally deem the case in favour of the State Government, despite that the State weren't even a party but their interests were under threat if physician Alison Barbara Jane COLE had lost the case. So expressly ignoring Australian law the Judge completely ignores my allegations and my evidence in affidavit by falsely claiming (reasons for judgment) that there was “no evidence” to support my claim. This is what they've more likely than not done to many others to equally & illegally suppress political crimes in Australia.

An agreement to “let someone die” by withdrawing their access to food or water is a conspiracy to murder. A conspiracy to completely block someones access to medical services like penicillin for infection is a conspiracy to MURDER.


At least five persons in five medical practices in South Australia's capitol city Adelaide all equally conspired with someone else to murder me by refusing me life saving penicillin when my face was visibly swollen with chronic infection in my ear, associated with a criminally illegal Australian Government funded electronic (rapidly vibrating & electrically sparking) sadistic screw shaped implant inside my head seen in MRI (at right) on more than one falsified Medicare Australia government funded criminal diagnostic service but completely ignored by AUSTRALIAN POLICE despite obviously being actions of an organised terrorist group in the Benson Radiology & Perrett-Jones Medical Imaging doctors reports. The suburban medical centres are;

  1. Doctor's Road Morphett Vale and

  2. Gpaxis Seaford Meadows Seaford Road and

  3. Seaford Day & Night Seaford Road and

  4. Moana Medical Centre Commercial Road and

  5. Christies Beach Medical Centre Beach Road who are also at the joint State & Federal Government owned GP Super Clinic next to Noarlunga Hospital.


Many physician from other medical centres in Adelaide's south McLaren Vale Family Practice refused to allow me appropriate medical services for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) along with ever other physician I've consulted since that diagnosis 2 years ago.


What motivates these barbarically sadistic sadists ? Obviously a promise for a benefit of some kind. So who is behind them? Who is making the promises? Who convinced them to join the conspiracy to murder me? Why would anyone want to murder me when I naturally treat everyone with respect? Without exception. 


This is an example of group consensus without appropriate evidence. The same modus operandi the Government employed to deem Ivan Milat was guilty of multiple murders. What are the names of the people behind this Nazi Party style government? Only answer is the heads of our Australian Liberal Party and our Labor Party. When I attempted to sue them over this conspiracy (Liberal & Labor) in 2007 an *anonymous person in Adelaide's State health department randomly and secretly diagnosed me as "schizophrenic" the "liquid paper" for all complaints of maladministration or "misfeasance in public office" (*redacted in FOI docs.)  Before long SAPOL detectives begun conspiring with State health to add criminally false claims of misconduct to the same false State mental health record in my name, proving you don't need to have done anything at all to be a target of political conspiracy to murder in Australia - all they need is someone, anyone, they make fit the profile they invented. If I wasn't less than 1% of female population, an INTJ personality type, I'd never have seen the patterns.

Did you know that when homosexuality was a criminal offence in Australia, when these people were youngsters, some homophobic people decided that men with a moustache wore the secret 'badge' of homosexuals and therefore became targets of victimisation?

Mos Ross Milat Vella Jenny

"His most amazing achievement was his uniting the great mass of the German (and Austrian) people behind him. Throughout his career his popularity was larger and deeper than the popularity of the National Socialist Party. A great majority of Germans believed in him until the very end."

BC v5 MRI Outlaw Front KEEP .jpg

Above: click to see the TERRORIST GOVERNMENT illegal implant inside my very round head and irrelevantly, you'll also be able to understand how impossible it is to get a bicycle helmet to fit my non-standard non-ovoid shaped very small head - and proving the size of a brain is irrelevant to its intellectual capacity.

Below: irrefutable evidence of a three Australian Government's interstate criminal conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism. Why three? Because Medicare Australia took no action whatsoever when a State hospital criminally falsified the fake Medicare identity, illegally used to hold me under a state Mental Health Act and failed to question why they both accessed my Medicare record on same day they illegally imprisoned me. Staff at the new state ICAC refused to pass my official complaint about this crime to Commissioner. State and Federal police refused to respond to my official complaints of this obvious 2014 terrorist crime.

Proving our laws are only false "lip service" when the Government is determined to illegally harm us.

My obvious response is that fellow Wollondilly Shire Ivan Milat was probably completely innocent. Remember Lindy Chamberlain.

Janette Gail Francis,

I've previously been a Mrs Hall and a Mrs Peters.

I was vital for Australia's tourism and associated commercial industries that someone was found guilty of the 1990s 'backpacker' murders, the 1980s 'dingo abduction' of Azaria Chamberlain, and the use of firearms resulting in the 1980s 'murder of a child' during the alleged bikie gunfight at high noon in the Viking Coral. Despite the mixed messages from parliament, they really do want the 'boat people' to keep coming so it appears to the world that most people in Australia really do ensure human rights are fought for in this totally fuked country run by greedy sadists in Park Avenue suits.

The overly rich only get rich by committing some form of crime. Can you find any more patterns?

If you don't believe me when I infer that access to our legal rights in Australia is a privilege that can be removed at ant time? Then take a slight detour & CLICK on THIS LINK

AMBIGUITY is unconstitutional:   Australia's Constitution since 1901 binds the Commonwealth Government and all State and Territory Governments, pursuant to sections 51 and 52 they “must” all “make laws for the peace, order and good government” which means any law that interprets “harm” against a person where that harm has a “political” motive, is void, unconstitutional and includes “Rules” of any court, including the High Court where all court rules are only through an existing Act of parliament and are NOT constitutional if they are "capable" of being "interpreted" to pervert, block or prevent the natural course of justice. A “policy” is not a “law”. The proof of any crime is the “motive” and "opportunity" and the "action".

How many times have you heard people complaining that Australia needs a "Bill of Rights" to protect the individual? Its utter political garbage to fool the people into believing the Government can do "anything" they like and can "take away" our rights by Acts of Parliament. Australia's Constitution protects us 100% better than USA's because we have s51 and s52 "The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to..." this means in respect to any matter any Australian Government has Constitutional power to make laws, those laws "must" be laws that ensure "peace, order, and good government" not politically minded government "good" government. Not government good for any political Party, government that's good for Australia as a community of individuals with completely separate or contradictory political or religious beliefs or political affiliations or other personal or business affiliation or no affiliation at all.

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Not everything I've published is wonderful that simply makes me human, not wrong. 



C.1984 Stephen Knight; PDF link keeps vanishing so here 'tis.

RR V2 MacGregor History Repeats Preferre
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