aka Red MacGregor (1671 - 1734)
Jenny asks: How many criminals are employed in government?
Answer: Most of them.
FukedUp Australia
After deciding to research my family tree in 2017 I discovered a very rich tapestry of history already recorded by probably hundreds of other distant relatives and professionals who'd long since been documenting the lives of my ancestors, for which I'm most grateful.
I'd imagine from all accounts of recorded history, being born in Australia and refusing to kowtow to the criminally aligned Labor-Liberal political government of the 21st century is like being the bastard child of an English aristocrat in something like the 14th century. You simply have no legal possession rights to anything, including yourself.
My mum's paternal Aberdeen area clan motto is “I Fear Not But I Am Cautious” which sums me up. Because of our Rob Roy DNA link we're directly descended from many of historically recorded leaders in England Scotland, France and because many are royals who married for their country we're related to many historically recorded royal families across Europe but not Asia. In some cases along many lines not just one and as historically opposing parties. For instance we're directly descended from Scotland's King Robert De Bruce, England's King Edward (Longshanks), William Wallace's brother John, the sister of Scotland's King John Balliol, Scotland's John III 'Red' Comyn, Lord of Badenock, on and on it goes. My mother's paternal Strachan's and her maternal MacGregor's had their land taken from them by Robert de Bruce when he took the throne evidently as they supported his Scottish contenders to the Scottish crown. Apart from my blood group, in every other way I'm more like my mother's line than my male parent's, a fact which truly pleases me. Janette.
P.S. Wiki says the country with the largest percentage of my blood group is Norway, that being said we're also descendant from King Eric Haraldsson of Norway (Bloodaxe).
Title: Kangaroo Court. ISBNs: 9781925112931, 1925112934, 9781925112948 and 1925112942. Author: Lynette Styles. Release date: 26 May 2014.
CRIMES ACT 1900 (NSW) section 529(3) Offence of criminal defamation. A person who, without lawful excuse, publishes matter defamatory of another living person (the "victim" )-- (a) knowing the matter to be false, and (b) with intent to cause serious harm to the victim or any other person or being reckless as to whether such harm is caused, is guilty of an offence. : Maximum penalty--3 years imprisonment.
KANGAROO COURT by Lynette Styles. Attention Mrs Lynette Styles: Now I've just discovered (18 Nov 2020) you've secreted from me your 2014 publication of very specific (false and defamatory) claims about me (as Jenny Hall) and my family, you inferred as true fact, and when we were both NSW-WSC 1995-1999 elected councillors; and which I only discovered six years later on 18 November 2020, when I sue you and others, in your defence the onus is on you to prove what you say is true and true in context, not on me to prove you wrong. Quite honestly, I don't think I've ever read anything that was as full of that much total bullshit in all my 64 years. Perhaps 1% of what you wrote about me was PARTIALLY true, nothing was in context, yet Wollondilly Shire Council keep copy of this nonsense in their public library for public loan.
Please note: I achieved High Distinction grade in my defamation tort law assignment in 2018 part of my Bachelor of Laws Honours degree.
Janette Gail FRANCIS
(ex-NSW WSC Clr Jenny Hall 1995-1999.)
18 November 2020, in South Australia since 2004.
What's happened to AUSTRALIA?
Its not just Australia. The reality is lawful democratic constitutional government is a theoretical construct erected around the skeleton of what people were told would be democratic and honest government. Reality is that everywhere on the globe where this theory of democratic representative sits in parliaments we see instead a series of political parties that are holding every country to ransom. This is evidenced by the fact that of the people in these theoretical representative democracies millions globally are not represented, millions globally do not have access to their “alleged” legal rights. The political parties globally are the largest groups of publicly funded terrorists on this planet.
I'll go one step further with my experience in 2007:
2006 I received multiple medical evidence in multiple radiology examinations proving that I'd been surgically raped the previous decade when I was a member of local council; and
that 'news' provoked a number of medical professionals to criminally assault me; and
local police refused to charge the criminal assailants; and
my State representative in parliament refused to talk to me on the issue.
So as direct result of not being "allowed" access to my legal rights on what was obviously "political" grounds, I attempted to sue my State elected delegate in parliament and his premier on the basis that they were members of a political party who abused their position in government for the benefit of the political party.
What happened as a direct result of my civil court action proved my case and because the political party is a terrorist organisation, they put pressure on the magistrate to have the matter thrown out of the court before the magistrate even bothered to hear any of my evidence.
Eleven years later at the end of 2018:
I discovered only after a Freedom of Information Act application was satisfied by a new government controlled by the other political party that back in 2007 "the party” had me falsely diagnosed in their illegal and secret government health records as “schizophrenic” because, they wrote, I was “suing politicians”. Obviously authored by the supreme commander of the belly-button contemplation unit in SA Health, ADELAIDE Australia, for and on behalf of the Australian Labor Party.

BELOW: This video about Chinese Communist Party states some of what Australia political parties (Labor & Liberal) have been doing to me for past 30 YEARS every time I've tried to resolve my issues in a court of law in AUSTRALIA. Since 1980s Australian Liberal Party & Labor Party supporters literally stole everything I owned, let others have access to my bank account and spread false rumours and created false government documents using my ID.
Then we have the 2018 letter from a 2018 Liberal Party, State Minister, who "rubber stamped" an illegal letter falsely authorised by a Labor Party Premier/ office staff “criminally” impersonating a 2010 senior employee in State department of transport when I was trying to sue State police for criminally assaulting me in 2007; in 2009 State transport staff in Chrosties Beach "illegally" refused to accept my valid Australian birth certificare as my own. 2018 Minister Stephan Knoll "bipartisan-politically" and illegally used this 2007/2010 example to support the 2018 State election time "illegal" cancellation of my driving licence with no lawful authority whatsoever. Politics is complicated, law is not.
What Liberal (grassy) KNOLL and Labor WEATHERILL were giving unlawful bipartisan-political credence to across the decades is that; because I lawfully changed my last name by statutory declaration to my common-law husband's (defacto's) family name in 1988 after I birthed his only son and Mr Hall breached his promise to marry me before I fell pregnant, then for the rest of my life I'd automatically surrounded my legal right to use my Australian birth-family name (FRANCIS). But what they are also saying “politically” and which is less obvious to most people outside he inner-sanctum of terrorism-politics, is that as they've illegally (politically) falsified a mountain of records in the name “Janette Hall” they've attached to me with or without the co-operation of the “real” Janette Hall some 5 years older than me, then I'm not allowed to screw with their (fake Leanne Walters) plans that in the process falsely paints the picture that sees me certified as a total nutter so that no-one anywhere “has to” take seriously my irrefutable evidence of the 1984-2020+ bipartisan-political fraud.
Law Case study
AUSTRALIA: In March 2010 a victim of family violence, Deanne Bridgland, was found guilty of conspiracy and attempting to pervert the course of justice, following a five week trial. She was sentenced in the County Court of Victoria to a two year suspended sentence.
Ms Bridgland had been subjected to severe family violence—described by one psychologist as some of the worst that she had ever come into contact with. Her partner—Nicholas Pasinas—had repeatedly bashed her and, on two occasions, snapped her arms. He had also repeatedly raped her and locked her in the garage with her mouth taped shut. Mr Pasinas was remanded in custody for serious assault charges, and despite a protection order being made against him, he called Ms Bridgland up to 12 times a day, and arranged to have her followed.
The police recorded his phone calls to her in which he persuaded her to withdraw her statement against him. While in prison he arranged for a friend of his—Paul Coralis—to pick her up and take her to the police station where she provided police with a statement of ‘non-complaint’ against him, pursuant to his instructions. Evidence was led that she had no choice but to give the statement. She also provided a letter supporting his release on bail. A psychologist commented that Ms Bridgland did what she did ‘in order to survive’. The police officer who laid the charges reportedly testified that she thought Ms Bridgland would be killed if she did not escape the relationship. Ms Bridgland was known to be suffering from battered woman syndrome and learned helplessness.
Ms Bridgland was essentially charged with agreeing with her partner to aid him in either having him released from prison or in reducing his culpability. Her lawyers requested the prosecution not to proceed with the charges on the basis that there was no public interest in prosecuting her. The prosecution refused. Mr Pasinas pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge and helped the prosecution in its case against Ms Bridgland, for which he received a discount on sentence—his sentence was cut in half to two and a half years imprisonment with a 15 month non-parole period.
PDF VERSION accessed 16 October 2020

BELOW: This letter is dated 23 October 2020, why they even wrote it is beyond my comprehension, its in response to a complaint I made to the United States of America owned Commonwealth Bank in Australia some four (4) YEARS ago in 2016.
There's more than one reason why Australia is fuked, most of it stems from the fact Australia has literally been sold off by power hungry psychopathic politicians and party members, sold off to the highest bidder in America and China by both major political parties, Labor & Liberal.
"Commonwealth Bank is also the largest bank in the Southern Hemisphere. Founded in 1911 by the Australian Government and fully privatised in 1996, the Commonwealth Bank is one of the "big four" Australian banks, with the National Australia Bank (NAB), ANZ and Westpac...The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), often referred to as the People's Bank, was privatised in three stages, commencing from 1991 to 1996, by Treasurer Paul Keating, representing one of the earliest privatisation projects in Australia."
Sources Wiki
Clinton Fernandes: "According to my analysis, all four of our big banks are majority-owned by American investors. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, the nation’s biggest company, is more than 60 per cent owned by American-based investors. So too are Woolworths and Rio Tinto. BHP, once known as “the Big Australian”, is 73 per cent owned by American-based investors."