aka Red MacGregor (1671 - 1734)
Jenny asks: How many criminals are employed in government?
Answer: Most of them.
RedHead:: older website https://australianconsumer.wixsite.com/2dogsclub
BlueHead: newest website https://www.blind-hate.com/
I'm the 5th generation of females directly descended from the last MacGregor male whose grandfather was the grandson of Rob Roy MacGregor of Clan Gregor, his daughter Jane MacGregor immigrated to Queensland AUSTRALIA in 1864 with her husband, James MacLachlan and their two little girls in 1864, the infant, Mary-ann died of illness on the 'boat' before landing, their toddler Jane Elizabeth survived the voyage. They settled in Charters Towers, QLD where the mother Jane, (my maternal 3rd great-grandmother) died in 1932, only 24 years before I was born.
There are NO living direct male descendants of Rob Roy MacGregor. According to the Y-DNA and before that, the extensive family tree research.
My linage is proved by DNA and by the paper family tree record kept by quite a few people not associated with me.
Scotland's "Clan Gregor Society" who incidentally have snubbed me and banned me from the "Clan Gregor Society" membership in Australia that's linked to the Scotland, "charity" because I'm a VICTIM of CRIME perpetrated by AUSTRALIAN government public officers, and I won't 'shut up' about it. Personally, I don't think they have the right to use the name "Clan Gregor" of they ban members based on "political opinion".

I've only recently been DNA and family tree researching. To me the science is fascinating and the outcomes are delightfully enlightening.
These Y-DNA Haplogroups are for some of the excavated ancient males who match “segments” of my Autosomal DNA, that is taken from both of my parents.
Of the list of 175 ancient excavated people who match segments of my Autosomal DNA this group are amongst my closest *Archaeogenetic matches.
This main Haplogroup makes all the below Haplogroups related in that they are subgroups. I can't say how the subgroups were created just that this makes all these family groups probable cousins, that is part of the same family.
My best guess is that Y-DNA changes when effected by intermingling with a certain grouping of a mother's DNA passed to her by her male parent. That's my best guess.
Think about the fact that you are related to a huge majority of others you don't think you could be related to, before you launch into your next tirade about this or that person because when you're needlessly making fun of another person you're related to, you're also actually ridiculing that part of yourself.
*Archaeogenetics, a term coined by Colin Renfrew, refers to the application of the techniques of molecular population genetics to the study of the human past. Source: https://www.definitions.net/definition/archaeogenetics
Or I'd say its their best guess so far.
My biggest delight was seeing that I'm related to my most favourite boss Keith Farquharson, we were amongst the first intake of staff at Woolworths Macarthur Square, 1979, Campbelltown, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA.
Rob Roy MacGregor is my 8th maternal great grandfather so its a relief to see my DNA matches, maternal family honour in tact. Its now I point out that Clan Gregor in Scotland cancelled my membership on the grounds I have a “political” problem with the Australian Government, but are happy to ride on the back of my 8+GreatGrandfather who would be suitably pissed off about that, I'd imagine, as any MacGregor Clan member should be.
These seven males (two Ireland Copper Age) are all related to each other and related to the family groups listed at right. Source: MyTrueAncestry.com
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Bronze Age Bedfordshire England.
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Early Bronze Age Thames.
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Bell Beaker Scotland.
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Ireland Copper Age x2.
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Bronze Age Bedfordshire England.
R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a - Bell Beaker Willington England.
Other points of interest:
Clans closest ANCIENT matches 1 to 4 of 175
Clans closest MODERN matches 1 to 40 of 175
You Are Cousins Deal With It
Clan Abercrombie R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1e
Robert Abercromby (1534)
Sir Ralph Abercromby (1734-1801)
Clan Bayne R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1h1
Donald Mackay (1370)
Clan Buchanan R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1f1
Anselan O Kyan King of North Ulster (1016)
Sir Alexander Buchanan (1424)
Sir George Buchanan (1650)
Clan Cameron R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4d1
Cameron of Lochiel
Donal Dubh
Clan Farquharson R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4b3
Finla Mor (1547)
Clan Fraser R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1e1
Simon Fraser (1306)
Clan Irwin R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1e1
Scottish Clan
Clan MacGregor R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1f1
Rob Roy MacGregor (1671-1734)
Baronet MacGregor of MacGregor (1795-present)
Clan MacInnes R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1b
Aonghais Mor ( 1294)
Aonghais Og (1330)
Clan Menzies R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a6
Sir Robert de Myneris (1237)
Clan Napier R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a1e1
Sir Archibald Napier of Merchiston (1625)
Clan Ogilvie R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a5a
Patrick de Ogilvy (1296)
Clan Oliphant R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a6c
Roger Olifard (1093
Clan Ross R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a2
Fearchar (1214-1249)
Clan Spence R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4a
Thomas de Spens (1296)
Clann Mac Murchadha R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a4a1
Diarmait Mac Murchada King of Leinster (1110-1171)
Royalty Belgian R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a6c
House of Reginarids
Counts of Hainaut
Counts of Louvain and Brussels
Dukes of Brabant and Lothier
House of Hesse
Royalty English R1b1a1b1a1a2c-
James I (1566-16 25)
Charles I (1600-1649)
Charles II (1630-1685)
James II (1633-1701)
Royalty Scottish R1b1a1b1a1a2c-
Robert II
Robert III
James I
James II
James III
James IV
James V
Royalty Welsh R1b1a1b1a1a2c1a5a1
Pasgen ap Urien, King of Gwyr (522)

If you came here because of my email address & FCA this may be for you. Yes I don't have a legal degree. No lack of parchment is not a brain block. Before the GST impost, every imported purchase was a gamble. When Parliament decided Australians must pay GST on overseas purchases through websites like Ebay & Aliexpress, then that became the Federal Government's promise that they will enforce our rights under Australian Consumer Law. A promise people, that's what an enactment of parliament is, a promise to protect Australians in this way.

Not having a political opinion is in itself a political opinion that expresses your strong desire to maintain the status quo. JGF
"free society exists only so long as it is governed by the rule of law"
The Hon Sir Gerard Brennan, AC KBE, Chief Justice of Australia
on JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE, 2 Nov 1996, The Australian Judicial Conference,
University House, Australian National University, Canberra.
Alias names: Robert Roy Campbell as named on Will (Testament Dative and Inventary); Red MacGregor; Rob Roy. When the name MacGregor was again outlawed in 1694 he used his mother’s last name and its from the Campbell pedigree that some MacGregors are descendant from Scotland's Royal Stewarts and England's Royal Plantagenets.
Born: 7 March 1671 at Glengyle, Trossach, Loch Katrine, 3rd son of his parents Donald Glas and Margaret Campbell. Dating back to the 1400s Rob Roy's paternal line consisted of consecutive Chieftains at Glengyle, his da being the 5th.
Christened: 1671 Raibert Ruadh MacGregor.
Married: January 1693 to Mary Helen (1672-1745 (73)) at Corrie Arklet farm near Inversnaid in Stirlingshire. Mary's dad Gregor MacGergor, her mum Catherine MacLaren
Rob Roy was well known as a Scottish highland outlaw (by forced circumstance rather than choice) his reputation as the Scottish Robin Hood was exaggerated in Sir Walter Scott’s novel Rob Roy (1818) and in some passages in the poems of William Wordsworth. He frequently signed himself Rob Roy (“Red Rob”), in reference to his dark red hair.
Political activities:
1689 Rob Roy fought under Viscount Dundee at Killiecrankie, allegedly joined the Lennox Watch.
1701 Rob Roy was Clan Gregor leader, he acquired land on Loch Lomond (Loch Laomainn - 'Lake of the Elms') "The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond"; and
Balquidder was where Rob Roy prospered as a legitimate cattle dealer.
According to BBC, a 2005 poll of Radio Times readers voted Loch Lomond as the sixth greatest natural wonder in Britain.
1711-1712 Rob Roy borrowed £1,000 from the Duke of Montrose, however one of his men absconded with the duke's money; as a result an order was issued for Rob Roy's arrest. Montrose's arch-enemy, the Duke of Argyll, was supporting Rob Roy by giving him refuge in Glenshira near Inverary. Montrose took his revenge by seizing Rob Roy's Loch Lomond house and evicting Rob Roy's wife (Mary) and four young sons in the depths of winter.
1713 the Earl of Breadalbane gave Rob Roy land in Glen Dochart.
1715 Jacobite Rising, Rob Roy mustered Clan Gregor as Jacobites. He led successful raids around Loch Lomond and Callander. All accused Jacobites were charged with High Treason.
1716 (English) government mercenaries razed his family residence in retaliation.
1716, the duke of Argyll gave Rob Roy land at Glen Shira and his raiding activities resumed until he was captured by the duke of Atholl and famously escaped.
1725 as an outlaw Rob Roy surrendered to General Wade.
1727 Rob Roy received a Royal Pardon from King George making him a free man until his death seven years later.
Died: 28 December 1734 (63).
Children 4 boys no girls:
James Drummond 1694-1754 (60);
Colin Campbell 1698-1735 (37);
Rannald Drummond 1706-1786 (80)
Janette's ancestor;
Robert Robin Oig, young Rob 1713-1754 (41).
Rob Roy MacGregor died on 28 December 1734 in Balquhidder Glen and was buried in Balquhidder Kirkyard. The original grave markers of Rob Roy, his wife and two of his four sons has been embellished by a later rail which carries a plaque incorrectly aging Rob Roy as 70 when he died (he was 63), and by gravestone erected in 1981 proclaiming "MacGregor Despite Them".
Rob Roy's story has grown further since his death. Sir Walter Scott wrote a novel, "Rob Roy" about him in 1818, and he was the subject of two Hollywood films in the 1900s. The Trossachs have become known as "Rob Roy Country". The main Tourist Information Centre in Callander is called the "Rob Roy and Trossachs Visitor Centre". And in 2002 a new unofficial long distance footpath called the Rob Roy Way was set up to link together many places that featured in Rob Roy's life.
'MacGregor's Gathering' is one of Sir Walter Scott's (1771-1832) most famous poems.
Rob Roy’s Grave
By William Wordsworth (1770–1850)
A FAMOUS man is Robin Hood,
The English ballad-singer's joy!
And Scotland has a thief as good,
An outlaw of as daring mood;
She has her brave ROB ROY!
Then clear the weeds from off his Grave,
And let us chant a passing stave,
In honour of that Hero brave!
Heaven gave Rob Roy a dauntless heart
And wondrous length and strength of arm:
Nor craved he more to quell his foes,
Or keep his friends from harm.
Yet was Rob Roy as wise as brave;
Forgive me if the phrase be strong;--
A Poet worthy of Rob Roy
Must scorn a timid song.
Say, then, that he was 'wise' as brave;
As wise in thought as bold in deed:
For in the principles of things
'He' sought his moral creed.
Said generous Rob, 'What need of books?
Burn all the statutes and their shelves:
They stir us up against our kind;
And worse, against ourselves.
'We have a passion--make a law,
Too false to guide us or control!
And for the law itself we fight
In bitterness of soul.
'And, puzzled, blinded thus, we lose
Distinctions that are plain and few:
These find I graven on my heart:
'That' tells me what to do.
'The creatures see of flood and field,
And those that travel on the wind!
With them no strife can last; they live
In peace, and peace of mind.
'For why?--because the good old rule
Sufficeth them, the simple plan,
That they should take, who have the power,
And they should keep who can.
'A lesson that is quickly learned,
A signal this which all can see!
Thus nothing here provokes the strong
To wanton cruelty.
'All freakishness of mind is checked;
He tamed, who foolishly aspires;
While to the measure of his might
Each fashions his desires.
'All kinds, and creatures, stand and fall
By strength of prowess or of wit:
'Tis God's appointment who must sway,
And who is to submit.
'Since, then, the rule of right is plain,
And longest life is but a day;
To have my ends, maintain my rights,
I'll take the shortest way.'
And thus among these rocks he lived,
Through summer heat and winter snow:
The Eagle, he was lord above,
And Rob was lord below.
So was it--'would', at least, have been
But through untowardness of fate;
For Polity was then too strong--
He came an age too late;
Or shall we say an age too soon?
For, were the bold Man living 'now',
How might he flourish in his pride,
With buds on every bough!
Then rents and factors, rights of chase,
Sheriffs, and lairds and their domains,
Would all have seemed but paltry things,
Not worth a moment's pains.
Rob Roy had never lingered here,
To these few meagre Vales confined;
But thought how wide the world, the times
How fairly to his mind!
And to his Sword he would have said,
Do Thou my sovereign will enact
From land to land through half the earth!
Judge thou of law and fact!
''Tis fit that we should do our part,
Becoming, that mankind should learn
That we are not to be surpassed
In fatherly concern.
'Of old things all are over old,
Of good things none are good enough:--
We'll show that we can help to frame
A world of other stuff.
'I, too, will have my kings that take
From me the sign of life and death:
Kingdoms shall shift about, like clouds,
Obedient to my breath.'
And, if the word had been fulfilled,
As 'might' have been, then, thought of joy!
France would have had her present Boast,
And we our own Rob Roy!
Oh! say not so; compare them not;
I would not wrong thee, Champion brave!
Would wrong thee nowhere; least of all
Here standing by thy grave.
For Thou, although with some wild thoughts,
Wild Chieftain of a savage Clan!
Hadst this to boast of; thou didst love
The 'liberty' of man.
And, had it been thy lot to live
With us who now behold the light,
Thou would'st have nobly stirred thyself,
And battled for the Right.
For thou wert still the poor man's stay,
The poor man's heart, the poor man's hand;
And all the oppressed, who wanted strength,
Had thine at their command.
Bear witness many a pensive sigh
Of thoughtful Herdsman when he strays
Alone upon Loch Veol's heights,
And by Loch Lomond's braes!
And, far and near, through vale and hill,
Are faces that attest the same;
The proud heart flashing through the eyes,
At sound of ROB ROY'S name.
Source: https://www.poemist.com/william-wordsworth/memorials-of-a-tour-in-scotland-1803-x-rob-roys-grave